VMD-L Mailing List
From: SKM (srikasi.qut_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jul 31 2024 - 22:06:25 CDT
- Next message: Daniel Fellner: "Re: flipping a .inp file for a water interaction INQUIRY"
- Previous message: Ronald Cohen: "Re: VMD reads vasp files with variable cells incorrectly"
- Next in thread: Diego Gomes: "Re: CHGCAR file read in VMD"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: CHGCAR file read in VMD"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: CHGCAR file read in VMD"
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I have a CHGCAR file of a 'double-layered' graphene, which, i presume'
obviously contains the charge density values at each volume grid point,
declared during the VASP computation, within the crystal lattice. I want to
visualize this data as a 2D image that shows the integrated charge
densities along the z-direction of the crystal lattice. This means creating
a 2D planar figure that effectively displays the charge densities projected
onto the xy-plane.
Now can VMD have this feature to display such image?
- Next message: Daniel Fellner: "Re: flipping a .inp file for a water interaction INQUIRY"
- Previous message: Ronald Cohen: "Re: VMD reads vasp files with variable cells incorrectly"
- Next in thread: Diego Gomes: "Re: CHGCAR file read in VMD"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: CHGCAR file read in VMD"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: CHGCAR file read in VMD"
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