VMD-L Mailing List
From: Trollmann, Marius (marius.trollmann_at_fau.de)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2023 - 12:34:51 CST
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "Re: Issue assigning impropers with topotools"
- Previous message: Tru Huynh: "Re: VMD for macOS -- easy install with new code-signed versions"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: Interactive MD - 3DSystems Touch"
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I decided to start a Github-Repo including a description of our setup
(hard- & software) as well as an installation/compiling guide on our
Windows machine. So I can update the documentation, for example if we
try a new piece of hardware or writing some code:
Am 2023-12-01 20:33, schrieb John Stone:
> Hi,
> The old VMD 1.9.1 binaries should indeed load PDB files, however
> the linkage to the on-the-fly web download won't work anymore because
> the PDB archive has been restructured and the old URL paths that were
> compiled into the program are no longer accessible.
> Try downloading your structure(s) locally and load them that way.
> Can you tell us more about your 3DSystems Touch setup?
> We haven't had one of these running for many years now, so it hasn't
> been possible for us to test any of that functionality for a long
> time, although all of the code still exists in the current versions
> of VMD.
> Best,
> John Stone
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 10:23:23AM +0100, Trollmann, Marius wrote:
>> Dear VMD-Community,
>> Based on some older threads about this topic, I installed VMD 1.9.1
>> on my machine and prepared the vmdsensors file as suggested in the
>> online documentation:
>> device phantomtracker vrpntracker://localhost/Phantom
>> scale 10
>> rot left 0 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0
>> device phantombuttons vrpnbuttons://localhost/Phantom
>> device phantomfeedback vrpnfeedback://localhost/Phantom
>> Finally,I put this file into the VMD home directory ("C:\Program
>> Files (x86)\University of Illinois\VMD\.vmdsensors").
>> That worked! VMD was able to detect the VRPN server in the Tool
>> window and I could interact with a MD simulation (e.g. Poly-alanin
>> from the IMD tutorial).
>> However, I still observe a minor drawback: The pre-compiled version
>> of VMD 1.9.1 for Windows has not the option to read/load PDB files.
>> Is it possible to re-install a plugin or something to achieve this?
>> Moreover, I would like to ask why more recent versions of VMD were
>> not able to detect the VRPN server? Are they not compiled with VRPN?
>> If so, is there a possibility to obtain such a compilation from the
>> developer team or the community?
>> At least, I hope this thread can help other people with the same
>> device and the same problems. I would also like to thank all the
>> developers for this very cool open source project!
>> All the best,
>> Marius
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "Re: Issue assigning impropers with topotools"
- Previous message: Tru Huynh: "Re: VMD for macOS -- easy install with new code-signed versions"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: Interactive MD - 3DSystems Touch"
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