VMD-L Mailing List
From: Joel Subach (mjsubach_at_alumni.ncsu.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 10 2023 - 07:38:30 CDT
- Next message: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Viewing Van der Waals bonds of a protein ligand in complex inquiry"
- Previous message: Baker, Joseph: "reading chain labels from amber prmtop"
- Next in thread: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Viewing Van der Waals bonds of a protein ligand in complex inquiry"
- Reply: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Viewing Van der Waals bonds of a protein ligand in complex inquiry"
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Hello, does VMD contain an algorithm to view possible Van der Waals bonds
between a protein and ligand via a click or must each be measured manually?
If the latter, what would be the best procedure to do this?
Joel 🚀
- Next message: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Viewing Van der Waals bonds of a protein ligand in complex inquiry"
- Previous message: Baker, Joseph: "reading chain labels from amber prmtop"
- Next in thread: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Viewing Van der Waals bonds of a protein ligand in complex inquiry"
- Reply: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Viewing Van der Waals bonds of a protein ligand in complex inquiry"
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