From: Javier Badilla (
Date: Fri Aug 11 2023 - 08:09:42 CDT

Hello, i`m currently using VMD version 1.9.4 and tried to use QwikMD for a
simulation, i can see that it runs but at the moment that i try to plot
some information using either the basic or advance analisis tab, it shows
this error message:

cannot use geometry manager grid inside
which already has slaves managed by pack
cannot use geometry manager grid inside
which already has slaves managed by pack
    while executing
"grid $plotwindow.menubar.clear -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nwes"
    (procedure "QWIKMD::addplot" line 60)
    invoked from within
"QWIKMD::addplot frmsd "RMSD Plot" "Rmsd vs Time" $xlab "Rmsd (A)""
    invoked from within
".qwikmd.nbinput.f3.fp.rmsd.header.fcolapse.rmsdRun invoke "
    invoked from within
".qwikmd.nbinput.f3.fp.rmsd.header.fcolapse.rmsdRun instate !disabled {
.qwikmd.nbinput.f3.fp.rmsd.header.fcolapse.rmsdRun invoke } "
    invoked from within
".qwikmd.nbinput.f3.fp.rmsd.header.fcolapse.rmsdRun instate pressed {
.qwikmd.nbinput.f3.fp.rmsd.header.fcolapse.rmsdRun state !pressed;
    (command bound to event)

I have tried to change to version 1.9.3 and the error persists. I was able
to perform measurements before but I could only do it once and since then
it has been impossible to get them.