VMD-L Mailing List
From: Zuzanna Jedlinska (zuzannaj_at_sas.upenn.edu)
Date: Fri Jul 07 2023 - 08:54:50 CDT
- Next message: Hasdemir, Hale Siir: "VMD error - molefacture"
- Previous message: Gumbart, JC: "Re: CHARMM36 and water: can the H-H "bond" be added to the wat.top file used by solvate.tcl?"
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I am having issues using CatDCD 5.2 (and also version 5.1) to convert from
lammpstrj file to dcd.
I have periodic boundary conditions in all directions.
The error seems to be the expected number of atoms vs the number in the
actual file.
2D case:
./catdcd -o out2d.dcd -lammpstrj traj2D.lammpstrj
CatDCD 5.2
Opening file 'out2d.dcd' for writing.
Opened file 'traj2D.lammpstrj' for reading.
lammpsplugin) New style dump with 5 data fields. Coordinate data flags: 0x02
lammpsplugin) Reconstructing atomic coordinates from fractional coordinates
and box vectors.
lammpsplugin) Too many atoms in timestep. 8141 vs. 0
Read 0 frames from file traj2D.lammpstrj, wrote 0.
Total frames: 0
Frames written: 0
CatDCD exited normally
3D case:
./catdcd -o out3d.dcd -lammpstrj traj3D.lammpstrj
CatDCD 5.2
Opening file 'out3d.dcd' for writing.
Opened file 'traj3D.lammpstrj' for reading.
lammpsplugin) New style dump with 7 data fields. Coordinate data flags: 0x01
lammpsplugin) Using absolute atomic coordinates directly.
lammpsplugin) Too many atoms in timestep. 48000 vs. 16
Read 0 frames from file traj3D.lammpstrj, wrote 0.
- Next message: Hasdemir, Hale Siir: "VMD error - molefacture"
- Previous message: Gumbart, JC: "Re: CHARMM36 and water: can the H-H "bond" be added to the wat.top file used by solvate.tcl?"
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