VMD-L Mailing List
From: Chris Taylor (cht_at_imipolex-g.com)
Date: Mon May 02 2022 - 21:49:45 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: Parallel rendering example from tutorial, "VMD parallel commands""
- Previous message: Debostuti Ghoshdastidar: "Re: Unable to reload a saved state in VMD 1.9.3"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Parallel rendering example from tutorial, "VMD parallel commands""
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Parallel rendering example from tutorial, "VMD parallel commands""
- Reply: Chris Taylor: "Movie Maker plugin parallel MPI rendering"
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I'm experimenting with the example from the tutorial and have a SLURM sbatch script like this:
$ cat vmd-text.sbatch
#SBATCH --nodes=3
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
module load ospray
module load mpich
module load vmd-mpi
srun vmd -dispdev text -e noderank-parallel-render.tcl
It starts my MPI-enabled VMD and runs this script:
$ cat noderank-parallel-render.tcl
set noderank [parallel noderank]
puts "node $noderank is running ..."
parallel barrier
mol new 5ire_merged.pdb waitfor all
puts "node $noderank has loaded data"
parallel barrier
rotate y by [expr $noderank * 20]
render TachyonLOSPRayInternal test_node_$noderank.ppm
puts "node $noderank has rendered a frame"
parallel barrier
But, in the output I only see node 0 rendering one frame. What am I missing? Thanks
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: Parallel rendering example from tutorial, "VMD parallel commands""
- Previous message: Debostuti Ghoshdastidar: "Re: Unable to reload a saved state in VMD 1.9.3"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Parallel rendering example from tutorial, "VMD parallel commands""
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Parallel rendering example from tutorial, "VMD parallel commands""
- Reply: Chris Taylor: "Movie Maker plugin parallel MPI rendering"
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