VMD-L Mailing List
From: Whitford, Paul (p.whitford_at_northeastern.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2022 - 10:28:32 CST
- Next message: McGuire, Kelly: "autopsf question"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Needing to visualize lots of spheres during solution steps"
- Next in thread: Whitford, Paul: "Re: PDBx and chain IDs in VMD 1.9.4a55"
- Reply: Whitford, Paul: "Re: PDBx and chain IDs in VMD 1.9.4a55"
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VMD team,
When using VMD 1.9.4a55 rev11 (on OSX Monterey), I was trying to view a PDBx/mmCIF file (RCSB ID 7NWH),
and I encountered some unexpected behavior. When I look in the structure file with a text editor, I see there is chain "XB". But, when I used the selection "chain XB" in VMD, nothing is selected. This happens when using the Graphical Representation window, or the Tk console. However, if I give "chain XB1", the desired chain (XB) is selected. I checked in vmd 1.9.3, and the behavior was different. That is, in 1.9.3, "chain XB" works in the GUI and in the console, for the same .cif file. I am not very familiar with the mmCIF file format, so perhaps appending a digit to the chain ID is encoded in the file. Any suggestions about what I may be missing/overlooking would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Whitford
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Center for Theoretical Biological Physics
Northeastern University
- Next message: McGuire, Kelly: "autopsf question"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Needing to visualize lots of spheres during solution steps"
- Next in thread: Whitford, Paul: "Re: PDBx and chain IDs in VMD 1.9.4a55"
- Reply: Whitford, Paul: "Re: PDBx and chain IDs in VMD 1.9.4a55"
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