From: Andrew White (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2022 - 10:38:44 CST

I've noticed a problem with some RCSB PDBx files. These two files:;!!DZ3fjg!s_HZVg6R9EydPCL1IHrN2CITDQkI1jJOHSme5aXzty3l_4dC-5G8RkVwaZJNCdvXHA$;!!DZ3fjg!s_HZVg6R9EydPCL1IHrN2CITDQkI1jJOHSme5aXzty3l_4dC-5G8RkVwaZIO2PADgA$

have the following error when trying to load in VMD:

pdbxplugin) encountered 10 bad element indices!
pdbxplugin) Error while trying to parse pdbx structure
ERROR) molecule_structure: Unable to read structure for molecule 0
ERROR) molecule_structure: severe error indicated by plugin aborting
loading of molecule 0

I cannot understand the meaning of the error (there is no field called
element indices). I was hoping someone could help me understand how to fix
this issue and/or if it's caused by the file or plugin.
