VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ahmet Bakan (abakan_at_KU.EDU.TR)
Date: Sun Sep 05 2004 - 15:42:27 CDT
- Next message: bora erdemli: "torsion angle"
- Previous message: Paul Christopher Millett: "new user: how to load output file"
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Hi All,
I have attended opening of Euro QSAR 2004 in Istanbul and will be there next
five days. I would like to who will also will be there. I adore to meet.
Wish best,
Ahmet Bakan
Chemistry, Senior
Koc University
<mailto:abakan_at_ku.edu.tr> abakan_at_ku.edu.tr
ICQ #86167698
- Next message: bora erdemli: "torsion angle"
- Previous message: Paul Christopher Millett: "new user: how to load output file"
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