VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arpita Srivastava (Arpita.Srivastava_at_unh.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 22 2021 - 11:54:54 CDT
- Next message: Santanu Santra: "time dependent plot for stride output file"
- Previous message: Paweł Kędzierski: "Re: VMD/QMTool generating multiple outputs"
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Dear VMD users,
I am looking forward to compute Structure factor and Steinhardt order parameter for my systems. Please help me in knowing if VMD module have the features to compute these properties.
Thanks a lot.
- Next message: Santanu Santra: "time dependent plot for stride output file"
- Previous message: Paweł Kędzierski: "Re: VMD/QMTool generating multiple outputs"
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