From: Prof. Eddie (
Date: Thu Sep 02 2021 - 10:35:03 CDT

Hi all,
For our trajectories, we've created a 3d ply visualization for each frame.
That is, each frame has an associated ply file. When loading ply files into
vmd, it seems they do not stack (or if they do I couldn't get them to).
What I'd like is to have two vmd mols, one for the trajectory (dcd
structure) and one for the 3d structures so when animated, both a
synchronized. Is there any way we can do this with the ply files?

Edward Ackad, Ph.D <*7Eeackad__;JQ!!DZ3fjg!rNcESRGlDZgdxgCsQ6-XA-4kzihjRC6hYzZDY84ytPVlaSB3CHh9DLjpUvOPBO1axQ$ >
Associate Professor of Physics
Computational Nanophotonics
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
(618) 650-2390