From: René Hafner TUK (
Date: Sat Aug 07 2021 - 04:20:23 CDT

Hi Geo,

     When using HMR you need to apply rigidBonds to water only. The
whole point of repartitioning masses is to reduce fast oscillations
frequencies (of hydrogen bonds) you would not allow before due to
rigidBonds and with HMR let them oscilliate less fast (which allows
higher timestep).

Kind regards


On 8/6/2021 8:52 PM, Ropon-Palacios G. wrote:
> Dear user,
> **
> *I’m using HMR for a protein with glycosilation (N-glycosilation),
> make HMR using function implement into psfgen 2.0, *
> *I’ve check rigth patch but when run md simulation (minimization,
> equlibration good), get error in rattle algorithm to an hydrogen atoms
> into atom N involved into glycosilation, as can fix it? *
> **
> *Please help me!. *
> **
> **
> *Best, *
> **
> *Geo. *

Dipl.-Phys. René Hafner
TU Kaiserslautern