VMD-L Mailing List
From: Francesco Pietra (chiendarret_at_gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jul 20 2021 - 11:28:24 CDT
- Next message: chiessi_at_uniroma2.it: "Discrepancy in value of dihedral angles of a sugar molecule by VMD tools"
- Previous message: Nancy Singh: "Error while making th trajectory movie"
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I used frequently
> set sel [atomselect top protein]
> set pos [measure avpos $sel]
> $sel set {x y z} $pos ; #Moves the selected atoms to the average positions
> computed in the previous step
> $sel writepdb avpos.pdb
as graciously indicated by Josh Vermaas. Now a reviewer asks to add +-
errors in a table of selected interatomic distances (evaluated from
averaged structures) between receptor and non-bonded ligand. Can any script
aid that?
Francesco Pietra
- Next message: chiessi_at_uniroma2.it: "Discrepancy in value of dihedral angles of a sugar molecule by VMD tools"
- Previous message: Nancy Singh: "Error while making th trajectory movie"
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