VMD-L Mailing List
From: Pawel Kedzierski (pawel.kedzierski_at_pwr.edu.pl)
Date: Mon May 17 2021 - 14:50:37 CDT
- Next message: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
- Previous message: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
- In reply to: Smith, Harper E.: "Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
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- Reply: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
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Dear Harper,
W dniu 17.05.2021 o 19:15, Smith, Harper E. pisze:
> Hi all,
> How are angles decided by AutoPSF? I tried to make a patch for my
> residue, but when I apply it in AutoPSF, I have several strange angles
> listed in the .psf file (like 13 16 13). These should not exist,
> right?
I would suggest checking if you do not apply the same patch twice, or
whether the patch does not duplicate the same bond.
With regards,
> Best,
> Harper Smith
- text/x-vcard attachment: pawel_kedzierski.vcf
- Next message: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
- Previous message: Vermaas, Josh: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
- In reply to: Smith, Harper E.: "Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
- Next in thread: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
- Reply: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Angles generated by AutoPSF?"
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