VMD-L Mailing List
From: Lilian Esmeralda Araujo Arcos (earaujo_at_uagro.mx)
Date: Wed May 12 2021 - 12:16:56 CDT
- Next message: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Clustering by RMSD"
- Previous message: Yann Claveau: "Re: [topotool] writelammpsdata : custom order for atom types"
- Next in thread: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Clustering by RMSD"
- Reply: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Clustering by RMSD"
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Dear all,
I'm trying to find a way to do clustering analysis using vmd. I came
across a .TCL file that claims to do it but at the end the pdb files
contain errors. Does anyone know a way to do this type of analysis? Or may
be another program that can carry this type of analysis using windows 🪟??
Thanks for your help 👍
- Next message: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Clustering by RMSD"
- Previous message: Yann Claveau: "Re: [topotool] writelammpsdata : custom order for atom types"
- Next in thread: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Clustering by RMSD"
- Reply: Smith, Harper E.: "Re: Clustering by RMSD"
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