VMD-L Mailing List
From: Jason Smith (jason_smith_18_at_sfu.ca)
Date: Mon Apr 12 2021 - 00:47:52 CDT
- Next message: Arash Firouzbakht: "CIonize Not Installed on Windows VMD"
- Previous message: Robin Betz: "Re: Visual Help"
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I have always assumed that VMD doesn't do so well on that cartoon style because it operates with shaders and rays, and the outlines like that are perhaps a resterisation over the top of the render? I could be wrong.
I have pasted below some settings that I sometimes use to achieve similar, they look ok in tachyon and optix, but not as rasterised as your chimera example.
Can you let us know why you need vmd to do this if you can already get chimera to do it?
set viewplist {}
set fixedlist {}
proc vmdrestoremymaterials {} {
set mlist { Opaque Transparent BrushedMetal Diffuse Ghost Glass1 Glass2 Glass3 Glossy HardPlastic MetallicPastel Steel Translucent Edgy EdgyShiny EdgyGlass Goodsell AOShiny AOChalky AOEdgy BlownGlass GlassBubble RTChrome RTSurf ChalkSurf Cartoon }
set mymlist [material list]
foreach mat $mlist {
if { [lsearch $mymlist $mat] == -1 } {
material add $mat
material change ambient Opaque 0.000000
material change diffuse Opaque 0.650000
material change specular Opaque 0.500000
material change shininess Opaque 0.534020
material change mirror Opaque 0.000000
material change opacity Opaque 1.000000
material change outline Opaque 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Opaque 0.000000
material change transmode Opaque 0.000000
material change ambient Transparent 0.000000
material change diffuse Transparent 0.650000
material change specular Transparent 0.500000
material change shininess Transparent 0.534020
material change mirror Transparent 0.000000
material change opacity Transparent 0.300000
material change outline Transparent 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Transparent 0.000000
material change transmode Transparent 0.000000
material change ambient BrushedMetal 0.080000
material change diffuse BrushedMetal 0.390000
material change specular BrushedMetal 0.340000
material change shininess BrushedMetal 0.150000
material change mirror BrushedMetal 0.000000
material change opacity BrushedMetal 1.000000
material change outline BrushedMetal 0.000000
material change outlinewidth BrushedMetal 0.000000
material change transmode BrushedMetal 0.000000
material change ambient Diffuse 0.000000
material change diffuse Diffuse 0.620000
material change specular Diffuse 0.000000
material change shininess Diffuse 0.530000
material change mirror Diffuse 0.000000
material change opacity Diffuse 1.000000
material change outline Diffuse 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Diffuse 0.000000
material change transmode Diffuse 0.000000
material change ambient Ghost 0.000000
material change diffuse Ghost 0.000000
material change specular Ghost 1.000000
material change shininess Ghost 0.230000
material change mirror Ghost 0.000000
material change opacity Ghost 0.100000
material change outline Ghost 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Ghost 0.000000
material change transmode Ghost 0.000000
material change ambient Glass1 0.000000
material change diffuse Glass1 0.500000
material change specular Glass1 0.650000
material change shininess Glass1 0.530000
material change mirror Glass1 0.000000
material change opacity Glass1 0.150000
material change outline Glass1 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Glass1 0.000000
material change transmode Glass1 0.000000
material change ambient Glass2 0.520000
material change diffuse Glass2 0.760000
material change specular Glass2 0.220000
material change shininess Glass2 0.590000
material change mirror Glass2 0.000000
material change opacity Glass2 0.680000
material change outline Glass2 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Glass2 0.000000
material change transmode Glass2 0.000000
material change ambient Glass3 0.150000
material change diffuse Glass3 0.250000
material change specular Glass3 0.750000
material change shininess Glass3 0.800000
material change mirror Glass3 0.000000
material change opacity Glass3 0.500000
material change outline Glass3 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Glass3 0.000000
material change transmode Glass3 0.000000
material change ambient Glossy 0.000000
material change diffuse Glossy 0.650000
material change specular Glossy 1.000000
material change shininess Glossy 0.880000
material change mirror Glossy 0.000000
material change opacity Glossy 1.000000
material change outline Glossy 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Glossy 0.000000
material change transmode Glossy 0.000000
material change ambient HardPlastic 0.000000
material change diffuse HardPlastic 0.560000
material change specular HardPlastic 0.280000
material change shininess HardPlastic 0.690000
material change mirror HardPlastic 0.000000
material change opacity HardPlastic 1.000000
material change outline HardPlastic 0.000000
material change outlinewidth HardPlastic 0.000000
material change transmode HardPlastic 0.000000
material change ambient MetallicPastel 0.000000
material change diffuse MetallicPastel 0.260000
material change specular MetallicPastel 0.550000
material change shininess MetallicPastel 0.190000
material change mirror MetallicPastel 0.000000
material change opacity MetallicPastel 1.000000
material change outline MetallicPastel 0.000000
material change outlinewidth MetallicPastel 0.000000
material change transmode MetallicPastel 0.000000
material change ambient Steel 0.250000
material change diffuse Steel 0.000000
material change specular Steel 0.380000
material change shininess Steel 0.320000
material change mirror Steel 0.000000
material change opacity Steel 1.000000
material change outline Steel 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Steel 0.000000
material change transmode Steel 0.000000
material change ambient Translucent 0.000000
material change diffuse Translucent 0.700000
material change specular Translucent 0.600000
material change shininess Translucent 0.300000
material change mirror Translucent 0.000000
material change opacity Translucent 0.800000
material change outline Translucent 0.000000
material change outlinewidth Translucent 0.000000
material change transmode Translucent 0.000000
material change ambient Edgy 0.000000
material change diffuse Edgy 0.660000
material change specular Edgy 0.000000
material change shininess Edgy 0.750000
material change mirror Edgy 0.000000
material change opacity Edgy 1.000000
material change outline Edgy 0.620000
material change outlinewidth Edgy 0.940000
material change transmode Edgy 0.000000
material change ambient EdgyShiny 0.000000
material change diffuse EdgyShiny 0.660000
material change specular EdgyShiny 0.960000
material change shininess EdgyShiny 0.750000
material change mirror EdgyShiny 0.000000
material change opacity EdgyShiny 1.000000
material change outline EdgyShiny 0.760000
material change outlinewidth EdgyShiny 0.940000
material change transmode EdgyShiny 0.000000
material change ambient EdgyGlass 0.000000
material change diffuse EdgyGlass 0.660000
material change specular EdgyGlass 0.500000
material change shininess EdgyGlass 0.750000
material change mirror EdgyGlass 0.000000
material change opacity EdgyGlass 0.620000
material change outline EdgyGlass 0.620000
material change outlinewidth EdgyGlass 0.940000
material change transmode EdgyGlass 0.000000
material change ambient Goodsell 0.520000
material change diffuse Goodsell 1.000000
material change specular Goodsell 0.000000
material change shininess Goodsell 0.000000
material change mirror Goodsell 0.000000
material change opacity Goodsell 1.000000
material change outline Goodsell 4.000000
material change outlinewidth Goodsell 0.900000
material change transmode Goodsell 0.000000
material change ambient AOShiny 0.000000
material change diffuse AOShiny 0.850000
material change specular AOShiny 0.200000
material change shininess AOShiny 0.530000
material change mirror AOShiny 0.000000
material change opacity AOShiny 1.000000
material change outline AOShiny 0.000000
material change outlinewidth AOShiny 0.000000
material change transmode AOShiny 0.000000
material change ambient AOChalky 0.000000
material change diffuse AOChalky 0.850000
material change specular AOChalky 0.000000
material change shininess AOChalky 0.530000
material change mirror AOChalky 0.000000
material change opacity AOChalky 1.000000
material change outline AOChalky 0.000000
material change outlinewidth AOChalky 0.000000
material change transmode AOChalky 0.000000
material change ambient AOEdgy 0.000000
material change diffuse AOEdgy 0.900000
material change specular AOEdgy 0.200000
material change shininess AOEdgy 0.530000
material change mirror AOEdgy 0.000000
material change opacity AOEdgy 1.000000
material change outline AOEdgy 0.620000
material change outlinewidth AOEdgy 0.930000
material change transmode AOEdgy 0.000000
material change ambient BlownGlass 0.040000
material change diffuse BlownGlass 0.340000
material change specular BlownGlass 1.000000
material change shininess BlownGlass 1.000000
material change mirror BlownGlass 0.000000
material change opacity BlownGlass 0.100000
material change outline BlownGlass 0.000000
material change outlinewidth BlownGlass 0.000000
material change transmode BlownGlass 1.000000
material change ambient GlassBubble 0.250000
material change diffuse GlassBubble 0.340000
material change specular GlassBubble 1.000000
material change shininess GlassBubble 1.000000
material change mirror GlassBubble 0.000000
material change opacity GlassBubble 0.040000
material change outline GlassBubble 0.000000
material change outlinewidth GlassBubble 0.000000
material change transmode GlassBubble 1.000000
material change ambient RTChrome 0.000000
material change diffuse RTChrome 0.650000
material change specular RTChrome 0.500000
material change shininess RTChrome 0.530000
material change mirror RTChrome 0.700000
material change opacity RTChrome 1.000000
material change outline RTChrome 0.000000
material change outlinewidth RTChrome 0.000000
material change transmode RTChrome 0.000000
material change ambient RTSurf 0.070000
material change diffuse RTSurf 0.650000
material change specular RTSurf 0.500000
material change shininess RTSurf 0.530000
material change mirror RTSurf 0.440000
material change opacity RTSurf 0.200000
material change outline RTSurf 0.820000
material change outlinewidth RTSurf 0.160000
material change transmode RTSurf 1.000000
material change ambient ChalkSurf 0.480000
material change diffuse ChalkSurf 0.470000
material change specular ChalkSurf 0.440000
material change shininess ChalkSurf 0.500000
material change mirror ChalkSurf 0.000000
material change opacity ChalkSurf 0.140000
material change outline ChalkSurf 1.540000
material change outlinewidth ChalkSurf 0.400000
material change transmode ChalkSurf 1.000000
material change ambient Cartoon 0.050000
material change diffuse Cartoon 0.650000
material change specular Cartoon 0.250000
material change shininess Cartoon 0.110000
material change mirror Cartoon 0.000000
material change opacity Cartoon 1.000000
material change outline Cartoon 1.310000
material change outlinewidth Cartoon 0.680000
material change transmode Cartoon 1.000000
Jason Smith
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Robert N. Young Lab, Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A-1S6
From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu> on behalf of Robin Betz <robin_at_robinbetz.com>
Sent: Sunday, 11 April 2021 9:18:38 PM
To: Mcguire, Kelly
Cc: Vmd l
Subject: Re: vmd-l: Visual Help
If you want more control over rendering than the slider options offer, you can write your own OpenGL shaders to render however you want. I managed to get a reasonable cartoon style if you want to try that: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://robinbetz.com/blog/2018/02/20/toon-rendering-in-vmd/__;!!DZ3fjg!ofQoJrG8xUjmtrNa5uK4dV7AO-B65JO_FWjDKD2yUj3RhX49N_LgN23zwYrhBB6NlQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://robinbetz.com/blog/2018/02/20/toon-rendering-in-vmd/__;!!DZ3fjg!smwJ7RLmj_QbJa065cRXvCGrggqrzFOn8Ww1xYc4JzrTWZpeiO65cqpzfbovBH2yOA$>
On Sun, Apr 11, 2021, 8:01 PM Mcguire, Kelly <klmcguire_at_ucsd.edu<mailto:klmcguire_at_ucsd.edu>> wrote:
I am trying out the outline setting in the materials window to make my rendering look more cel-shaded. I am would like to have a strong outline on the new cartoon representation, and t almost looks the way I want it to. I turn the outline slider to a maximum of 4, but the outline is still quite thin. I use the outline width, but it increases the shading more than I want. I have a attached what I have done with my settings and an example of what I want from Chimera. Yes, I could just use Chimera, but I'd like to get this to work in VMD as well. Is there a way to increase just the outline setting (not the outline width slider) beyond a maximum of 4 to look as thick as the Chimera example but without the thick shading that the outline width slider creates in my VMD example? Thanks!
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/w8eqpck9gy02uf8/VMD.bmp?dl=0__;!!DZ3fjg!ofQoJrG8xUjmtrNa5uK4dV7AO-B65JO_FWjDKD2yUj3RhX49N_LgN23zwYpmDs54YQ$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/w8eqpck9gy02uf8/VMD.bmp?dl=0__;!!DZ3fjg!p8MzcHiT9fvQZCnGb4jxF9nMIeJ2zD2xNF30QByNmkRZIoPB3l62xvpdmnGt8-3wDA$>
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/zw7pm6pvb1m1fwd/settings.bmp?dl=0__;!!DZ3fjg!ofQoJrG8xUjmtrNa5uK4dV7AO-B65JO_FWjDKD2yUj3RhX49N_LgN23zwYrZXH1YWg$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/zw7pm6pvb1m1fwd/settings.bmp?dl=0__;!!DZ3fjg!p8MzcHiT9fvQZCnGb4jxF9nMIeJ2zD2xNF30QByNmkRZIoPB3l62xvpdmnFWLU2X6A$>
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkosl7rwv11409t/Chimera.png?dl=0__;!!DZ3fjg!ofQoJrG8xUjmtrNa5uK4dV7AO-B65JO_FWjDKD2yUj3RhX49N_LgN23zwYr8IFTjQw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkosl7rwv11409t/Chimera.png?dl=0__;!!DZ3fjg!p8MzcHiT9fvQZCnGb4jxF9nMIeJ2zD2xNF30QByNmkRZIoPB3l62xvpdmnGxrUa8tA$>
Dr. Kelly McGuire
Chemistry/Biochemistry Department
Natural Science Building, 4104A, 4106A, 4017
- Next message: Arash Firouzbakht: "CIonize Not Installed on Windows VMD"
- Previous message: Robin Betz: "Re: Visual Help"
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