VMD-L Mailing List
From: Karteek K. Bejagam (karthik3327_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Apr 07 2021 - 12:55:49 CDT
- Next message: Ali Osman Acar: "Re: Loading files"
- Previous message: John Stone: "VMD web/email outage today Tuesday 4/6"
- Next in thread: Ali Osman Acar: "Re: Loading files"
- Reply: Ali Osman Acar: "Re: Loading files"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Loading files"
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Hello VMD users,
I am trying to write a tcl script for post-processing of LAMMPS MD
How can we read *residue names from psf file* and *coordinates from a dump
file. *
When I load them using VMD polymer.psf dump.lammpstrj, seems to be working
fine and I can execute the commands in TK console.
However, when I load them using text mode in a separate file, it does not
seem to work properly. These are the commands I am using
mol new polymer.psf waitfor all
mol addfile dump.lammpstrj waitfor all
Did anyone had such an issue and how can we fix this?
- Next message: Ali Osman Acar: "Re: Loading files"
- Previous message: John Stone: "VMD web/email outage today Tuesday 4/6"
- Next in thread: Ali Osman Acar: "Re: Loading files"
- Reply: Ali Osman Acar: "Re: Loading files"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Loading files"
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