VMD-L Mailing List
From: Peter Freddolino (petefred_at_umich.edu)
Date: Fri Nov 20 2020 - 11:47:47 CST
- Next message: Lothar Esser: "Ambient occlusion / Electrostatic surfaces"
- Previous message: Prathit Chatterjee: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- In reply to: Prathit Chatterjee: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
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It looks like the vmd netcdf molfile plugin can read but not write netcdf,
so you basically have three options:
1. Write a dcd file from vmd (which is the binary trajectory format most
commonly used by this community), and use the amber cpptraj tool to convert
it to a netcdf
2. Implement netcdf writing in the molfile plugin (can be done by you or
anyone you can convince to do so; this isn't technically all that hard but
hasn't been a priority)
3. Consider whether, for your purposes, the netcdf->crdbox conversion
really has any meaningful impact on the conclusions that you will obtain.
(I'm guessing probably not)
On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 5:49 AM Prathit Chatterjee <pc20apr_at_yahoo.co.in>
> Dear All,
> Here is again a related problem to the previous chain of emails.
> While I can load a netcdf trajectory generated with new AMBER versions, I
> cannot write a modified netcdf AMBER coordinate using VMD, instead I can
> only write as a crd/crdbox format, please see below kindly:
> vmd > package require pbctools
> 2.8
> vmd > mol new
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_tau43_Ab42/tau43_monomer/traj_10/production/PHF43.top
> type parm7
> Info) Using plugin parm7 for structure file
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_tau43_Ab42/tau43_monomer/traj_10/production/PHF43.top
> Info) Analyzing structure ...
> Info) Atoms: 144684
> Info) Bonds: 144686
> Info) Angles: 0 Dihedrals: 0 Impropers: 0 Cross-terms: 0
> Info) Bondtypes: 0 Angletypes: 0 Dihedraltypes: 0 Impropertypes: 0
> Info) Residues: 36056
> Info) Waters: 36009
> Info) Segments: 1
> Info) Fragments: 36014 Protein: 1 Nucleic: 0
> 0
> vmd > mol addfile
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_tau43_Ab42/tau43_monomer/traj_10/production/crd/PHF43_310K_10_md020.crd
> waitfor all *type netcdf*
> netcdfplugin) conventions: 'AMBER'
> netcdfplugin) trajectory follows AMBER conventions version '1.0'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: program 'pmemd'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: program version '16.0'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: title 'default_name'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: application 'AMBER'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: spatial dimension: 3
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: atom dimension: 144684
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: frame dimension: 200
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: coordinates units: 'angstrom'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: no coordinates scalefactor attribute, 1.0 assumed
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: coordinates scalefactor: 1.000000
> netcdfplugin) AMBER trajectory contains periodic cell information
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: cell lengths units: 'angstrom'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: no cell lengths scalefactor attribute, 1.0 assumed
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: cell lengths scalefactor: 1.000000
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: cell angles units: 'degree'
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: no cell angles scalefactor attribute, 1.0 assumed
> netcdfplugin) AMBER: cell angles scalefactor: 1.000000
> Info) Using plugin netcdf for coordinates from file
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_tau43_Ab42/tau43_monomer/traj_10/production/crd/PHF43_310K_10_md020.crd
> Info) Finished with coordinate file
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_tau43_Ab42/tau43_monomer/traj_10/production/crd/PHF43_310K_10_md020.crd.
> 0
> vmd > set all [atomselect top all]
> atomselect0
> vmd > pbc wrap -centersel "protein" -center com -compound residue all
> error: pbcwrap: unknown option: all
> vmd > pbc wrap -centersel "protein" -center com -compound residue -all
> Info) 0.5% complete (frame 0)
> Info) 18.5% complete (frame 36)
> Info) 38.0% complete (frame 75)
> Info) 57.5% complete (frame 114)
> Info) 77.0% complete (frame 153)
> Info) 96.0% complete (frame 191)
> Info) 100.0% complete (frame 199)
> *vmd > animate write netcdf PHF43_310K_10_md020.crd beg 0 end 199 waitfor
> all sel $all*
> *ERROR) Unable to open file PHF43_310K_10_md020.crd of type netcdf for
> writing frames.*
> *vmd > animate write crdbox wrap_310K_10_md020.crd beg 0 end 199 waitfor
> all sel $all*
> *Info) Opened coordinate file wrap_310K_10_md020.crd for writing.*
> *Info) Coordinate I/O rate 5.99 frames/sec, 9 MB/sec, 33.4 sec*
> *Info) Finished with coordinate file wrap_310K_10_md020.crd.*
> 200
> In order to avoid losing resolution by not writing coordinates in ASCII
> format, any suggestions to write coordinate files from the original one in
> the same NETCDF format, will be deeply appreciated.
> Thanking you in advance,
> Prathit Chatterjee
> On Monday, 9 November, 2020, 06:22:17 pm GMT+9, Peter Freddolino <
> petefred_at_umich.edu> wrote:
> I think one useful step would be to actually calculate the magnitudes of
> the differences in coordinates between the original trajectory and the one
> read/written by VMD. The energy differences that you've noted here are
> tiny, on the order of less than one part per thousandth, and the energies
> are going to be very sensitive to small changes in coordinates.
> I also suspect that if you actually inspect the files before/after running
> them through your procedure in vmd, you will find that they are in fact not
> the same format. Since you're using netcdf files in amber, you have a
> binary container format when you read them into VMD, but when you write
> from VMD in crdbox format, you're converting to an ascii format with
> different precision. Just because the file extension is .crd doesn't
> actually mean that the format is the same; you can see this easily enough
> by looking at them in any text viewer or editor. This seems likely to me to
> be the issue. If you want to avoid any changes you'd be best off comparing
> apples to apples, and having either netcdf-format or crdbox-format files
> both before and after vmd sees the coordinates.
> Best,
> Peter
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2020 at 10:56 PM Prathit Chatterjee <pc20apr_at_yahoo.co.in>
> wrote:
> Dear Prof. Freddolino,
> Sorry for the delayed response.
> The precision of selected coordinate numbers to calculate the energy is
> the same in both the original AMBER coordinates and protein-only generated
> trajectory (in VMD), and the format is .crd, calculated with cpptraj,
> please see below:
> *This is for the original amber coordinates*:
> parm prot.top
> trajin /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_t-ab/traj_1/production/crd/
> *T_310K_1_md001.crd* *1 10*
> #centering
> strip :WAT
> strip :Na+
> strip :Cl-
> center :1-43 mass origin
> image origin center familiar
> pairwise IE :1-43 out pairwise_IE.out cuteelec 0.0001 cutevdw 0.0001
> vmapout IE_vmap.out emapout IE_emap.out avgout IE_avg.out
> --------------
> *This is for the protein only generated coordinates*:
> parm prot.top
> trajin /homes/epsilon/users/pchatterjee/vmd_anal_prep/diem_1/
> *T_310K_prot_diem_1_100ns.crd* *1 10*
> pairwise IE :1-43 out pairwise_IE.out cuteelec 0.0001 cutevdw 0.0001
> vmapout IE_vmap.out emapout IE_emap.out avgout IE_avg.out
> -------------
> Also, *I generated the protein-only amber coordinates as follows in VMD
> (a prototypical example provided below)*:
> mol new
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_t-ab/traj_10/production/whole.top type
> parm7
> mol addfile
> /homes/epsilon/users/diem/project_t-ab/traj_10/production/crd/T_310K_10_md$n.crd *type
> netcdf* waitfor all
> set frames [molinfo top get numframes]
> set nf [expr {[molinfo top get numframes]-1}]
> set a [atomselect top protein]
> animate *write crdbox* diem_10/PHF43_310K_prot_$f.crd beg 0 end
> $nf waitfor all sel $a
> I tried to write the protein only coordinates in several ways until
> reaching the above mentioned procedure, loading the original coordinates as
> netcdf, and writing the final protein only coordinates as crdbox.
> Likewise, the coordinates of the original and protein-only coordinates
> could be visualized properly without noticing any apparent unnatural bonds.
> Best Regards,
> Prathit
> On Sunday, 8 November, 2020, 01:35:42 pm GMT+9, Peter Freddolino <
> petefred_at_umich.edu> wrote:
> Dear Prathit,
> We really need more information on how you did these calculations. How
> were the energies calculated? And how exactly did you generate the
> trajectory in vmd? With such small differences it could be something as
> simple as a difference in the numerical precision at which coordinates were
> stored, depending on exactly what formats you used.
> Best,
> Peter
> On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 10:02 AM Prathit Chatterjee <
> pc20apr_at_remove_yahoo.co.in> wrote:
> Dear VMD experts,
> I had compiled a protein only amber trajectory of an explicitly solvated
> simulation with VMD, which I was able to visualize properly and run certain
> analyses with it in VMD as well.
> But, for cross-checking, I tried to calculate the pairwise interaction of the
> original AMBER coordinates, and the protein only generated trajectory
> (with VMD).
> The results, although very similar, are showing certain discrepancy as
> follows:
> [pchatterjee_at_node51 pairwise_IE]$ tail -f test*/pairwise_IE.out
> *==> test1/pairwise_IE.out <== [THIS IS THE ORIGINAL AMBER COORDINATE]*
> 1 -186.3642 -2973.0974
> 2 -189.9812 -2966.1259
> 3 -199.5370 -2957.7041
> 4 -196.3846 -2983.7931
> 5 -197.8264 -2981.1530
> 6 -184.0711 -2971.6430
> 7 -194.3659 -2970.1477
> 8 -189.0441 -2956.9308
> 9 -197.0864 -2948.2561
> 10 -196.4939 -3010.1367
> *==> test2/pairwise_IE.out <==[THIS IS THE PROTEIN ONLY GENERATED AMBER
> 1 -186.3943 -2972.9815
> 2 -189.9798 -2966.1573
> 3 -199.5455 -2957.6502
> 4 -196.3961 -2983.7881
> 5 -197.8009 -2981.1609
> 6 -184.0410 -2971.7176
> 7 -194.3681 -2970.0830
> 8 -189.0185 -2956.9181
> 9 -197.1040 -2948.2302
> 10 -196.4685 -3010.0947
> Although the global picture will be the same with such minor discrepancy,
> I just want to know for the sake of knowing what the underlying reason
> could be.
> Any comments/suggestions will be extremely helpful.
> Thank you in advance,
> Best Regards,
> Prathit
- Next message: Lothar Esser: "Ambient occlusion / Electrostatic surfaces"
- Previous message: Prathit Chatterjee: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- In reply to: Prathit Chatterjee: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- Next in thread: Prathit Chatterjee: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
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