VMD-L Mailing List
From: Prathit Chatterjee (pc20apr_at_REMOVE_yahoo.co.in)
Date: Sat Nov 07 2020 - 07:22:40 CST
- Next message: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- Previous message: Jeff Saxon: "Re: VMD clustering of conformations"
- Next in thread: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- Reply: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
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Dear VMD experts,
I had compiled a protein only amber trajectory of an explicitly solvated simulation with VMD, which I was able to visualize properly and run certain analyses with it in VMD as well.
But, for cross-checking, I tried to calculate the pairwise interaction of the original AMBER coordinates, and the protein only generated trajectory (with VMD).
The results, although very similar, are showing certain discrepancy as follows:
[pchatterjee_at_node51 pairwise_IE]$ tail -f test*/pairwise_IE.out
==> test1/pairwise_IE.out <== [THIS IS THE ORIGINAL AMBER COORDINATE]
1 -186.3642 -2973.0974
2 -189.9812 -2966.1259
3 -199.5370 -2957.7041
4 -196.3846 -2983.7931
5 -197.8264 -2981.1530
6 -184.0711 -2971.6430
7 -194.3659 -2970.1477
8 -189.0441 -2956.9308
9 -197.0864 -2948.2561
10 -196.4939 -3010.1367
1 -186.3943 -2972.9815
2 -189.9798 -2966.1573
3 -199.5455 -2957.6502
4 -196.3961 -2983.7881
5 -197.8009 -2981.1609
6 -184.0410 -2971.7176
7 -194.3681 -2970.0830
8 -189.0185 -2956.9181
9 -197.1040 -2948.2302
10 -196.4685 -3010.0947
Although the global picture will be the same with such minor discrepancy, I just want to know for the sake of knowing what the underlying reason could be.
Any comments/suggestions will be extremely helpful.
Thank you in advance,Best Regards,Prathit
- Next message: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- Previous message: Jeff Saxon: "Re: VMD clustering of conformations"
- Next in thread: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
- Reply: Peter Freddolino: "Re: Discrepancy in interaction energy of amber coordinate trajectories of a system"
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