VMD-L Mailing List
From: Faisal, H M Nasrullah (hmnasrullah.faisal_at_ndsu.edu)
Date: Mon Sep 28 2020 - 16:36:57 CDT
- Next message: Almeida-Hernández, Yasser, Dr.: "Re: FFTK Opt Torsions: can not find channel named """
- Previous message: Faisal, H M Nasrullah: "Re: Converting electron density data from .map to .dx in vmd Faisal, H M Nasrullah"
- In reply to: Faisal, H M Nasrullah: "Converting electron density data from .map to .dx in vmd"
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From: Faisal, H M Nasrullah
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2020 4:33 PM
To: VMD Mailing List <vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Converting electron density data from .map to .dx in vmd
Hi all,
I am trying to perform some MDFF calculations. I have downloaded the electron density data from https://www.emdataresource.org/ in .map format. Then I have tried to convert it in .dx format in vmd using the command:
voltool write -i density.map -o density.dx
But it didn't work. How can I convert a .map file download from EMDataResource into .dx file in VMD?
Thanks in advance.
- Next message: Almeida-Hernández, Yasser, Dr.: "Re: FFTK Opt Torsions: can not find channel named """
- Previous message: Faisal, H M Nasrullah: "Re: Converting electron density data from .map to .dx in vmd Faisal, H M Nasrullah"
- In reply to: Faisal, H M Nasrullah: "Converting electron density data from .map to .dx in vmd"
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