From: Ivan Gregoretti (
Date: Tue Apr 28 2020 - 14:09:42 CDT

Hi Alexander.

As we wait for someone with experience to contribute with a solution
for you, let me give you a pointer for you to start digging:

If you do a Google search on "ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture
x86_64" (with quotes) it will lead you to a post.

The post is titled "g++ ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture
x86_64" and I think that it might be useful for you.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 2:09 PM Alexander Adams <> wrote:
> Dear VMD community,
> I am working with gromacs trajectory files that show bonds stretched across the entire image due to PBCs. Previous vmd-l posts led me to the qwrap function repository, but I've had some trouble with installation. I've attached the errors I receive: error 1 when running with gcc and error 2 when running with clang. I haven't had much luck searching online for solutions to these errors and would appreciate any guidance that can be offered. I did see in a previous post that the package requires tcl devel, but I can neither find tcl-devel through homebrew or an internet search. Thanks in advance!
> Alex Adams
> --
> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
> Ph.D. Candidate - Mayes Lab
> College of Engineering - Chemical Engineering