VMD-L Mailing List
From: Giacomo Fiorin (giacomo.fiorin_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Mar 30 2020 - 16:51:00 CDT
- Next message: ccbroomell_at_gmail.com: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- Previous message: Chris Broomell: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- In reply to: Chris Broomell: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- Next in thread: ccbroomell_at_gmail.com: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
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Hi Chris, that may work. But most likely graphics wouldn't work properly,
and your best bet would be using the text-mode Linux build.
Obviously a text-only build is completely useless for visualization. But
it would still be functional for alternative tasks, such as reducing the
number of atoms in the structure by saving it into a smaller file that you
visualize later with the 32-bit native Windows build.
That would require using the Tcl command line. But that would be a good
thing to do with huge structures regardless, so that you can automate
analysis tasks that would take too long for an interactive session.
On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 5:38 PM Chris Broomell <ccbroomell_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> One more question:
> Would it be a feasible workaround if I created a subsystem for Linux on my
> Windows machine and ran the 64-bit build for Linux that way (I do have
> 64-bit Win10)? Forgive me if this is an ignorant question...I'm ignorant--000000000000aac17d05a2197416--
- Next message: ccbroomell_at_gmail.com: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- Previous message: Chris Broomell: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- In reply to: Chris Broomell: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- Next in thread: ccbroomell_at_gmail.com: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
- Reply: ccbroomell_at_gmail.com: "Re: Memory Pool Size - can I optimize this?"
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