VMD-L Mailing List
From: Edward Ditler (edward.ditler_at_uzh.ch)
Date: Tue Nov 26 2019 - 02:23:58 CST
- Next message: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
- Previous message: Anthony Ruth: "Re: Filetype for Kinetic Monte Carlo"
- Next in thread: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
- Reply: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
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I am trying to set the representation of my molecule programmatically. For many parts of the visualization, search engines manage to come up with the commands I’m looking for. Still I’m looking for a way to retrieve all possible arguments some of the functions take.
If I try to set the bond resolution of my CPK rep, for example, the command will look something like
vmd > mol modstyle 0 0 BondResolution 100
ERROR) Unknown atom representation command 'BondResolution 100‘.
Now is there some command like `mol modstyle list` to get a list of all acceptable commands? The documentation at http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/current/ug/node140.html unfortunately doesn’t say more than
• modstyle rep_number molecule_number rep_style: Change the current rendering method (style) for the given representation in the specified molecule.
and doesn’t state which values rep_style can take.
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,
Edward Ditler
--- University of Zurich Edward Ditler Department of Chemistry B Research Group Luber Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zurich Office: Y34-F92 Phone: +41 44 635 46 43 E-Mail: edward.ditler_at_chem.uzh.ch
- Next message: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
- Previous message: Anthony Ruth: "Re: Filetype for Kinetic Monte Carlo"
- Next in thread: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
- Reply: Gianfranco Abrusci: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Getting list of arguments for TCL console"
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