VMD-L Mailing List
From: fabio trovato (fabiotrovato_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 01 2019 - 20:43:09 CDT
- Next message: Hoda Shirzad: "visualising the bonds which indicated by "connect" order in pdb files"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: VMD 1.9.3 Only Loads 2 Plugins"
- Next in thread: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] VMD for Mac stopped working after updating to Catalina"
- Reply: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] VMD for Mac stopped working after updating to Catalina"
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Dear VMD developers,
The 1.9.4 version of VMD sadly does not work on MacOS Catalina. I am wondering if you are planning to release a new version, as already asked by others.
For some of us working in the research field, VMD is a fundamental tool. As an alternative, can you suggest/provide a script for compiling VMD? The compilation seems not so intuitive and a script would for sure help.
Thank you, Fabio
- Next message: Hoda Shirzad: "visualising the bonds which indicated by "connect" order in pdb files"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: VMD 1.9.3 Only Loads 2 Plugins"
- Next in thread: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] VMD for Mac stopped working after updating to Catalina"
- Reply: Goedde, Chris: "Re: [EXT] VMD for Mac stopped working after updating to Catalina"
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