VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ashma Khan (ashmakhan200_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Sep 16 2019 - 04:51:51 CDT
- Next message: Ashma Khan: "Re: For calculating the number of osmolytes molecules"
- Previous message: viktor drobot: "VMD not reading plain mdcrd trajectories"
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- Reply: Ashma Khan: "Re: For calculating the number of osmolytes molecules"
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Dear Sir,
I want to calculate the osmolyte molecules at certain distance from the
protein surface. So, I use qwikmd_hetero within 5 of protein, but I get
osmolyte molecules as well as some protein molecules also in every
frames.Please provide me suitable solution for calculating only osmolyte
- Next message: Ashma Khan: "Re: For calculating the number of osmolytes molecules"
- Previous message: viktor drobot: "VMD not reading plain mdcrd trajectories"
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- Reply: Ashma Khan: "Re: For calculating the number of osmolytes molecules"
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