From: Ryan McGreevy (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2019 - 10:57:35 CST

What version of VMD are you using? "voltool" is a brand new feature for
density map manipulation available in the upcoming VMD release (which the
new versions of MDFF will use). If you are using a newer version of the
MDFF plugin and an older VMD version without voltool, you will see this
error. For now, using the release version of vmd1.9.3 should get around
this issue.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:42 AM Montserrat Fabrega Ferrer <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am new using VMD and MDFF. I am trying to do a flexible fitting of an
> atomic structure into a cryo-EM low resolution volume following the
> tutorial, but I get already stuck running on the VDM console the mdff sim
> to obtain a simulate map out of the pdb.
> I use the following command:
> mdff sim $sel -res 5 -o map.situs
> And I got the following error:
> invalid command name "voltool"
> I would really much appreciate your helpĀ·
> Kind regards,
> Montserrat
> --
> Montserrat Fabrega Ferrer, PhD
> Miquel Coll lab - Structural biology of protein-nucleic acid complexes and
> molecular machines
> SBU-CSIC / IRB Barcelona
> c/ Baldiri Reixac, 10
> 08028 Barcelona, Spain
> /
> Tel: +34 93 40 34957