From: Paulo E. Abreu (
Date: Wed Dec 19 2018 - 03:41:42 CST

Hello all,
Is there a place where I can find the version of the vrpn library that was
linked with vmd-1.9.3 in linux ? I have tried to use the latest version
(0.7.34) but could not get it to work with vmd.
The version I am using is
LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit
Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA 8.x, OptiX, OSPRay)
Thanks for your help,

Paulo E. Abreu
Professor Auxiliar
Departamento de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra