From: subramanian vidhyasankar (
Date: Sat Sep 22 2018 - 08:14:09 CDT

*Dear namd users*

* I am using membrane tutorial in that tutorial
they used a TCL script named as Keep_water_out.tcl. I am able to use that
script without any exception by setteing set watexcept { } being Non
familiar with tcl script When i use that script, none of the water
molecules taken to push Up or to push down . but for my system , force
must be given to all water molecules to prevent lipid hydration But the
script run well without any error . My question is how to enable the index
of water molecules to be taken to push up or push down in every 100 steps
My output files is given as follows*

*TCL: Waters to push Up: TCL: Waters to push Down: *

*TCL: Reassign waters to push at step: 0*

*My tcl script is given below*

# user definitions begin

print "Starting Tcl forces"

# define force constant per group (Kcal/(mol*A))
set fconst 0.1
set pressure 1.0
set fconstUp [expr $fconst*$pressure]
set fconstDown [expr -$fconst*$pressure]

# define water and lipid names
set watResName "TIP3 "
set watAtomName "OH2 "
set lipResName "POPC"
set lipAtomName "C1 "

# define exceptions

# user definitions stop here!

# preprocessing for calcforces

# define all water oxigens and lipid C21 :

set waters_list {}
set c21plus_list {}
set c21minus_list {}

set inStream [open $allatompdb r]
foreach line [split [read $inStream] \n] {
    set string1 [string range $line 0 3]
    set string2 [string range $line 6 10]
    set string3 [string range $line 17 20]
    set string4 [string range $line 13 15]
    set string5 [string range $line 46 53]
    set string6 [string range $line 72 75]
    set string7 [string range $line 22 25]

    if { ([string equal $string1 {ATOM}] || \
          [string equal $string1 {ATOM}] ) && \
         [string equal $watResName $string3] &&\
         [string equal $watAtomName $string4] } {

    lappend waters_list "[string trim $string6]\
                [string trim $string7] $watAtomName"
    if { ([string equal $string1 {ATOM}] || \
          [string equal $string1 {ATOM}] ) && \
         [string equal $lipResName $string3] &&\
         [string equal $lipAtomName $string4] } {
    if { [string trim $string5] >= 0 } {
        lappend c21plus_list "[string trim $string6]\
                [string trim $string7] $lipAtomName"
    } else {
        lappend c21minus_list "[string trim $string6]\
                [string trim $string7] $lipAtomName"
close $inStream

# make list of indices

set waters {}
set c21plus {}
set c21minus {}
foreach atomrecord $c21plus_list {
    foreach {segname resid atom} $atomrecord { break }
    set atomindex [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
    lappend c21plus $atomindex
    addatom $atomindex
foreach atomrecord $c21minus_list {
    foreach {segname resid atom} $atomrecord { break }
    set atomindex [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
    lappend c21minus $atomindex
    addatom $atomindex
foreach atomrecord $waters_list {
    foreach {segname resid atom} $atomrecord { break }
    set atomindex [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
    set flag 0

if ($flag==0) {
    lappend waters $atomindex
    addatom $atomindex


set c21plus [concat $c21plus]
set c21minus [concat $c21minus]
set waters [concat $waters]

if {([llength $c21plus] > 0) && ([llength $c21minus] > 0)} {
    set push 1
} else {
    print "WARNING: membrane has not been detected"
    set push 0

# initialize printing counter (independent on step counter)

set pushCount $waterCheckFreq
set checkCount $lipidCheckFreq
set printcount 0
set waterstopushUp {}
set waterstopushDown {}

# this procedure is executed at each time step

print "Starting calcforces..."
proc calcforces {} {
    global fconstUp fconstDown stateread fstate fcount
    global stepcount lipidCheckFreq waterCheckFreq
    global pushCount checkCount printcount
    global waters c21plus c21minus zplus zminus
    global waterstopushUp waterstopushDown pressure
    global push

    if {$push == 1} {

##------------------------- apply forces ----------------------------###

# print " Up: $waterstopushUp"
# print "Down: $waterstopushDown"
    foreach i $waterstopushUp {
    set f [list 0.0 0.0 $fconstUp ]
# print "Push up atom $i at z $z with force $f "
    addforce $i $f

    foreach i $waterstopushDown {
    set f [list 0.0 0.0 $fconstDown ]
# print "Push down atom $i at z $z with force $f "
    addforce $i $f

###------- get atom indeces from NAMD before recalculation ----###

    if { $pushCount == [expr $waterCheckFreq -1] } {

    loadcoords coord
# print "Reconfiguring I ..."

# reconfig

    foreach atom $c21plus {
        addatom $atom
    foreach atom $c21minus {
        addatom $atom
    foreach atom $waters {
        addatom $atom

###------------ recalculate membrane size and waters to push -----------###

    if { $checkCount == $lipidCheckFreq } {

    loadcoords coord

    set zplus 0.0
    foreach index $c21plus {
        foreach {x y z} $coord($index) { break }
# print "Z($index): $z"
        set zplus [expr $zplus + $z]
    set zplus [expr $zplus/double([llength $c21plus]) ]

    set zminus 0.0
    foreach index $c21minus {
        foreach {x y z} $coord($index) { break }
# print "Z($index): $z"
        set zminus [expr $zminus + $z]
    set zminus [expr $zminus/double([llength $c21minus ] ) ]

    print "membrane dimensions at step $printcount: {$zplus $zminus}"

    set checkCount 0

    if { $pushCount == $waterCheckFreq } {

    set waterstopushUp {}
    set waterstopushDown {}
    set zHalf [expr ($zplus - $zminus)/2.0 ]

    foreach index $waters {
        foreach {x y z} $coord($index) { break }
### print "$z"
        if { $z >= $zminus && $z <= $zplus } {
# print "$z in $index"
        if { [expr $zplus - $z] <= $zHalf } {
            lappend waterstopushUp $index
        } else {
            lappend waterstopushDown $index

    print "Waters to push Up: $waterstopushUp"
    print "Waters to push Down: $waterstopushDown"

    print "Reassign waters to push at step: $printcount"

    set pushCount 0

# reconfig
# print "Reconfiguring II ..."

    set waterstopush [concat $waterstopushUp $waterstopushDown]

    foreach atom $waterstopush {
        addatom $atom


    incr printcount
    incr pushCount
    incr checkCount

