From: Peter Mawanga (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2018 - 04:32:10 CDT

Dear VMD users

Upon doing electrostatics calculation using "PME Electrostatics" plugin in
VMD, a ".dx" file is generated with the following output:


# PME potential (kT/e, T=300K)
object 1 class gridpositions counts 100 100 100
origin 0.5 0.5 0.5
delta 1 0 0
delta -0 1 0
delta -0 -0 1
object 2 class gridconnections counts 100 100 100
object 3 class array type double rank 0 items 1000000 data follows
-72.1699 -71.4829 -70.5591
-69.4607 -68.2532 -66.9999
-65.7542 -64.5533 -63.4164
-62.3467 -61.3386 -60.385
-59.4842 -58.6428 -57.8751


I am not sure how these grid values are arranged as such. Although the
following link suggests that these are arranged in the format below:


x1 y1 z1 value1
x1 y1 z2 value2
x1 y2 z1 value3
x1 y2 z2 value4
x2 y1 z1 value5
x2 y1 z2 value6
x2 y2 z1 value7
x2 y2 z2 value8


Please let me know if I am correct or the format is different?
