VMD-L Mailing List
From: abhik.ghosh_at_bose.res.in
Date: Mon Jul 30 2018 - 00:18:10 CDT
- Next message: amin sagar: "Re: split multi frame pdb"
- Previous message: Vlastimil Zíma: "Farewell VMD"
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- Reply: amin sagar: "Re: split multi frame pdb"
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Hello All
I have a simulated trajectory of a protein in pdb file format. I have
nearly 100000 frame in the pdb file. Now I want to split this file into
separate files having separated pdb. Each pdb has one frame. How is it
possible. Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanking you.
Abhik Ghosh
- Next message: amin sagar: "Re: split multi frame pdb"
- Previous message: Vlastimil Zíma: "Farewell VMD"
- Next in thread: amin sagar: "Re: split multi frame pdb"
- Reply: amin sagar: "Re: split multi frame pdb"
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