VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ushasi Pramanik 1710228 (ushasi17_at_iiserb.ac.in)
Date: Fri Jul 06 2018 - 05:43:07 CDT
- Next message: Hazel, Justin: "Re: Importing .str file generated by ParamChem to molefacture in VMD"
- Previous message: Mani Kandan: "Re: Possible to run VMD in parallel - Reg"
- Next in thread: Hazel, Justin: "Re: Importing .str file generated by ParamChem to molefacture in VMD"
- Reply: Hazel, Justin: "Re: Importing .str file generated by ParamChem to molefacture in VMD"
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I am using ffTK plugin to generate CHARMM compatible parameters and for
this I have generated .str file for my molecule by ParamChem but I am not
able to import the .str file to molefacture in VMD for further proceedings.
Please help me regarding this.
-- *USHASI PRAMANIK* *Ph.D. student* *IISER Bhopal* *Dept of Chemistry* *Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Rajesh Kumar Murarka* *Academic Building 2, Lab No. 202Roll No. 1710228* *Computational Biophysics and Soft Matter Group <https://home.iiserb.ac.in/~rkm/>**https://home.iiserb.ac.in/~rkm/ <https://home.iiserb.ac.in/~rkm/>* *email: ushasi17_at_iiserb.ac.in <ushasi17_at_iiserb.ac.in>*
- Next message: Hazel, Justin: "Re: Importing .str file generated by ParamChem to molefacture in VMD"
- Previous message: Mani Kandan: "Re: Possible to run VMD in parallel - Reg"
- Next in thread: Hazel, Justin: "Re: Importing .str file generated by ParamChem to molefacture in VMD"
- Reply: Hazel, Justin: "Re: Importing .str file generated by ParamChem to molefacture in VMD"
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