VMD-L Mailing List
From: McGuire, Kelly (mcg05004_at_byui.edu)
Date: Thu May 17 2018 - 12:40:08 CDT
- Next message: James Kress: "rst7 as input file bug"
- Previous message: Vermaas, Joshua: "RE: .js file format for point cloud data"
- Next in thread: João Ribeiro: "Re: QwikMD Add Topo+Param Question"
- Reply: João Ribeiro: "Re: QwikMD Add Topo+Param Question"
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I went through the FFTK tutorial to parameterize a drug molecule, but when I use VMD -> QwikMD -> load the protein pdb with drug in it, and
then structure manipulation -> add topo+param -> +, and then select my .str file for the drug, nothing happens. Nothing appears in the window/list
for Topology & Parameters Selection. I attached my .str file here. What am I missing? Thanks!
Kelly L. McGuire
PhD Scholar
Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology
Brigham Young University
LSB 3050
Provo, UT 84602
- application/octet-stream attachment: toppar_all36_amt.str
- Next message: James Kress: "rst7 as input file bug"
- Previous message: Vermaas, Joshua: "RE: .js file format for point cloud data"
- Next in thread: João Ribeiro: "Re: QwikMD Add Topo+Param Question"
- Reply: João Ribeiro: "Re: QwikMD Add Topo+Param Question"
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