From: João Ribeiro (
Date: Thu May 03 2018 - 08:28:48 CDT

This issue was already reported here:

The issue is caused by significant changes in the "the RCSB PDB web site,
that have relocated the PDB files and changed the way that they are
downloaded. This affects all of the previously released versions of VMD
prior to the latest VMD 1.9.4 test versions."

Please install the VMD 1.9.4 alpha version that has the issue fixed.



On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 6:32 AM Ajasja Ljubetič <>

> There is too little information. What is the exact error message on the
> console? Are you on windows or linux?
> Do other pdbs load correctly?
> Best,
> Ajasja
> On Thu, 3 May 2018 at 12:24, 김민재 <> wrote:
>> I am currently working on a desktop with an Intel Core i7-7500U CPU @
>> 2.70GHz with a 8.00 GB RAM and a 64-bit Operating System. I have recently
>> downloaded vmd 1.9.3 with and without CUDA. I have installed and
>> reinstalled the programme multiple time, but the programme kept telling me
>> that it could not load a pdb file I had downloaded from the Protein Data
>> Bank. I was wondering how I might be able to resolve this problem.

João Vieira Ribeiro
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
Beckman Institute, University of Illinois
+1 (217) 3005851