From: Vermaas, Joshua (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2018 - 13:52:20 CDT

Hi Fan,

Did you load the psf first? topotools isn't doing anything magic, it is just matching what VMD has stored internally in the "type" field, which is not set correctly if you only load a pdb, since it does not contain type information! To correctly load the system, load the psf first, and then (optionally), the pdb. Have you also checked the contents of your psf file? It may also be that you created it in such a way that it does not have atomtype information contained within it.


On 2018-04-21 08:31:59-06:00 wrote:

Hi everyone
I am using the topo writegmxtop to conver the psf file to top file. The command I used is "topo writegmxtop [list parameterfile1.prm]". The angles and dihedrals are correct, but the "type" column in atoms directive is same as the "atom" column (I mean C1, C2 are the labels for the "atom", but it should be same label as the one in the forcefiled in the "type" column ,but it is not in my case). The atom type is already in my psf file and parameterfile1.prm file, and there is no errors and warnings during the conversion.
Is there something wrong or it the right result?
Fan Li