VMD-L Mailing List
From: Francesco Pietra (chiendarret_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Mar 02 2018 - 09:47:42 CST
- Next message: Vermaas, Joshua: "Re: PSFGEN: Residue addition not working"
- Previous message: Peter Mawanga: "PSFGEN: Residue addition not working"
- Next in thread: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: parseFEP domain error"
- Reply: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: parseFEP domain error"
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With frwd.fepout parseFEP invokes imagemagick, providing graphics besides
With frwd.fepout + back.fepout imagemagic only provides
not invoking imagemagick, while reporting the error:
domain error: argument not in valid range
domain error: argument not in valid range
while executing
"expr $nSample * $var / ($sigma_factor ** 2) "
(procedure "::ParseFEP::FEP_formula" line 95)
invoked from within
"::ParseFEP::FEP_formula $file $file_entropy $window $mean_xi
(procedure "::ParseFEP::normal_parse_log" line 55)
invoked from within
"::ParseFEP::normal_parse_log $::ParseFEP::fepbofile backward "
(procedure "namdparse" line 158)
invoked from within
(in namespace inscope "::ParseFEP" script line 16)
invoked from within
"::namespace inscope ::ParseFEP {
if { [string length $::ParseFEP::fepofile] < 1 } {
tk_dialog .errmsg {NamdPlot Error} "No FEP (inward) logfile ..."
invoked from within
".parseFEP.runbutton invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tk::ButtonUp" line 22)
invoked from within
"tk::ButtonUp .parseFEP.runbutton"
(command bound to event)
SOFTWARE USED: VMD 1.9.3 on debian 9 (stretch) amd64 with XFCE
all imagemagic programs are on the path:
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which animate
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which compare
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which composite
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which conjure
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which convert
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which display
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which identify
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which import
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which mogrify
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which montage
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ which stream
Incidentally, I was surprised that the following command ($ or #) did not
show /usr/bin with the various programs
francesco_at_vaio64:~$ dpkg -L imagemagick
Thanks for advice
francesco pietra
- Next message: Vermaas, Joshua: "Re: PSFGEN: Residue addition not working"
- Previous message: Peter Mawanga: "PSFGEN: Residue addition not working"
- Next in thread: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: parseFEP domain error"
- Reply: Francesco Pietra: "Fwd: parseFEP domain error"
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