From: Sharav Desai (
Date: Tue Apr 11 2017 - 03:32:09 CDT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sharav Desai" <>
Date: 11 Apr 2017 11:38
Subject: vmd-1
To: <>
Cc: "Sharav Desai" <>


I have generated the str. file for new molecule and I also have edited the
parameter in structure check window but when i tryIng to rename the resname
following error comes. please give any suggestions to solve this problem.

Thanks in Advance

*Unable to create macro for 'qwikmd_nucleic'Unable to create macro for
'qwikmd_nucleic' while executing"atomselect macro qwikmd_nucleic
$QWIKMD::nucleicmcr" (procedure "QWIKMD::UpdateRes" line 207) invoked
from within"QWIKMD::UpdateRes $tbl $row $col $text" (procedure
"QWIKMD::CallUpdateRes" line 2) invoked from
within"QWIKMD::CallUpdateRes .qwikmdResGui.f1.fcol1.tableframe.tb 0 1
CATE" ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within"uplevel #0
$data(-editendcommand) [list $win $row $col $text]" (procedure
"doFinishEditing" line 27) invoked from within"doFinishEditing $win"
(procedure "finisheditingSubCmd" line 7) invoked from
within"${cmd}SubCmd $win [lrange $args 1 end]" (procedure
"tablelist::tablelistWidgetCmd" line 8) invoked from
within"$QWIKMD::selresTable finishediting" invoked from within"if
{[winfo exists .qwikmdResGui.f1.fcol1.tableframe.tb.body.f.e]} {
$QWIKMD::selresTable finishediting*

*I also have attached the log file.*

*SHARAV DESAIAsst. ProfessorDepartment of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and
Biotechnology Pioneer Pharmacy Degree*