VMD-L Mailing List
From: Parker de Waal (Parker.deWaal_at_vai.org)
Date: Mon Jul 06 2015 - 21:56:39 CDT
- Next message: Parker de Waal: "TachyonLOptiXInternal antialiasing"
- Previous message: Richard Wood: "RE: reading in trajectory file causes VMD to crash"
- Next in thread: Daniel Möller: "AW: Sodium within distance"
- Reply: Daniel Möller: "AW: Sodium within distance"
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Hello Everyone,
I would like to select Na+ ions within 5A of a phosphoserine residue to display for a movie, however the following command does not work: resname "Na\+" within 5 of resname S2P
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get this to work?
- Next message: Parker de Waal: "TachyonLOptiXInternal antialiasing"
- Previous message: Richard Wood: "RE: reading in trajectory file causes VMD to crash"
- Next in thread: Daniel Möller: "AW: Sodium within distance"
- Reply: Daniel Möller: "AW: Sodium within distance"
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