VMD-L Mailing List
From: Bikan Tan (btan_at_ncsu.edu)
Date: Mon Aug 08 2011 - 18:59:19 CDT
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I am trying to cionize a 2base pair DNA with 2 sodium ion(with no water)
like following:
/home/bikan/lib/vmd/plugins/LINUXAMD64/bin/cionize1.0/cionize -p 8 -i
test.cfg -f pdb 2GC_Bdna.pdb.pdb
and my test.cfg looks like:
gridspacing 0.5
r_ion_ion 1.0
XYZDIM -32 -32 -32 32 32 32
SAVEGRID savegrid
SAVEION saveion.pdb
But I am getting this error:
Current options:
Ion-solute distance: 1.000000
Ion-Ion distance: 1.000000
Grid spacing: 0.500000
Boundary size: 10.000000
Max. Processors: 8
Running cionize on input file 2GC_Bdna.pdb.pdb
Ion-solute distance: 1.000000
Ion-Ion distance: 1.000000
Grid spacing: 0.500000
Boundary size: 10.000000
Max. Processors: 8
*ERROR: Unable to open input file. Exiting...*
Maximum extents of the considered system (including boundary) are:
X: -32.000 to 32.000 Y: -32.000 to 32.000 Z: -32.000 to
Using a grid spacing of 0.500000 angstroms, the grid is 67259781 x
6745399904 x 140735713505040
Allocating memory for data arrays...
Allocating 0 KB for atom arrays
Allocating 0 KB for atom grid point array
Allocating 8073620364246 MB for grid energy array
Allocating 6416451602165 MB for exclusion array
Error: Failed to allocate memory for data arrays
I am guessing it is because of the pdb file that somehow cionize does not
read happily.(I attached the pdb file)
Could someone please give me some examples on how to cionize?
Thank you so much,
- chemical/x-pdb attachment: 2GC_Bdna.pdb.pdb
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