VMD-L Mailing List
From: Marc Baaden (baaden_at_smplinux.de)
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 08:39:14 CDT
- Next message: noel.oboyle2_at_mail.dcu.ie: "Missing bonds"
- Previous message: Patrick Ladam: "Rotating dihedrals"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: IMD interface code and endianness"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: IMD interface code and endianness"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: IMD interface code and endianness"
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John and dear list members,
thanks for all the help. I have meanwhile figured out what the problem
was (a simple typo). Finally I thought it would be helpful to have a
minimal program to test imd connection to VMD, so I post my very humble
first step. It randomly creates position data for a system comprising
one single atom.
It needs the imd.C, imd.h, vmdsock.C and vmdsock.h files from namd.
Compilation eg
g++ -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t -static -g -Wall -c -o imd.o imd.C
g++ -DSOCKLEN_T=socklen_t -static -g -Wall -c -o vmdsock.o vmdsock.C
g++ -g -Wall testimd.c imd.o vmdsock.o -o testimd
I also post a simple one-atom PDB to go with it. To test the program,
one runs ./testimd, then starts VMD, load unat.pdb and connect via
imd connect localhost 54321
Content-Type: text/x-csrc ; name="testimd.c"; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Description: testimd.c
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="testimd.c"
#include "vmdsock.h"
#include "imd.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main ()
int port =3D 54321;
void *sock;
void *clientsock;
int length;
IMDEnergies energies;
float coords[3];
float tmp;
sock =3D vmdsock_create();
clientsock =3D NULL;
vmdsock_bind(sock, port);
tmp =3D 0.23234;
while (!clientsock) {
if (vmdsock_selread(sock, 0) > 0) {
clientsock =3D vmdsock_accept(sock);
if (imd_handshake(clientsock)) {
clientsock =3D NULL;
if (vmdsock_selread(clientsock, 0) !=3D 1 || =
imd_recv_header(clientsock, &length) !=3D IMD_GO) {
clientsock =3D NULL;
while (clientsock) {
imd_send_energies(clientsock, &energies);
tmp =3D ( (double)rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX) );
coords[0] =3D tmp ; /* coordonn=E9e x */
coords[1] =3D (tmp -1); /* coordonn=E9e y */
coords[2] =3D (-tmp + 0.8); /* coordonn=E9e z */
imd_send_fcoords(clientsock, 1, coords);
Dr. Marc Baaden - Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris
mailto:baaden_at_smplinux.de - http://www.marc-baaden.de
FAX: +49 697912 39550 - Tel: +33 15841 5176 ou +33 609 843217
- text/plain attachment: unat.pdb
- Next message: noel.oboyle2_at_mail.dcu.ie: "Missing bonds"
- Previous message: Patrick Ladam: "Rotating dihedrals"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: IMD interface code and endianness"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: IMD interface code and endianness"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: IMD interface code and endianness"
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