Simulation Box Size & Simulation speed

From: Fateme Ghadirian (
Date: Thu Sep 30 2021 - 11:15:00 CDT

DearNAMD users,

Ihave a system which contains one particle (HO) in vacuum. I am trying to simulatea gaseous system, it is a part of Heat of vaporization’s calculation.

Langevinis set to off, due to lack of one particle’s ability to maintain system’stemperature. Run is in NVT.

As thesystem is trying to represent a gaseous system, simulation box size is large;500 Ang in each Direction (Simulation speed is 0.072 days/ns, so ~ 17 hoursneeded to complete the simulation).

WhenI decrease the size of the simulation box to 50 Ang in each direction, thesimulation speed increases (0.0016 days/ns~ 0.4 hour to complete the simulation).

As Iunderstood simulation speed can just be affected with number of particles, dueto the number of equations of motion which would be calculated. So how simulationbox size can affect simulation speed in this case?

Hereis my Configuration file:




setnew_run  run-0


settemperature    123.

firsttimestep      0

paraTypeCharmm      on

parameters          ./param/par_all36_lipid.prm


temperature         $temperature

if{1} {

cellBasisVector1   500.0  0.0   0.0

cellBasisVector2      0.0 500.0   0.0

cellBasisVector3      0.0  0.0 500.0

cellOrigin            0.0   0.0  0.0


wrapAll             on


#Force-Field Parameters

exclude             scaled1-4

1-4scaling          1.0

cutoff              12.

switching           on

switchdist          10.

pairlistdist        13.5



#Integrator Parameters

timestep            2.0 ;# 2fs/step

rigidBonds          all ;# needed for 2fs steps

nonbondedFreq       1

fullElectFrequency  2 

stepspercycle       10



#PME(for full-system periodic electrostatics)

if{1} {

PME                 yes

PMEGridSpacing      1.0



#Constant Temperature Control

#langevin            on    ;# do langevin dynamics

#langevinDamping     1    ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 5/ps

#langevinTemp        $temperature


#Constant Pressure Control (variable volume)

if{0} {

useGroupPressure      no ;# needed for 2fs steps

useFlexibleCell       yes ;# no for water box, yes for membrane

useConstantArea       yes ;# no for water box, yes for membrane


langevinPiston        on

langevinPistonTarget  1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm

langevinPistonPeriod  100.

langevinPistonDecay   50.

langevinPistonTemp    $temperature




restartfreq        100    

dcdfreq            5000


xstFreq            100

outputEnergies     100

outputPressure     100


#Minimization 5ps

if{1} {

minimize            10

reinitvels          $temperature



run5000000 ;#10 ns



Thanksin advance

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