Re: Add repulsive potential with dummy atom

From: Ropon-Palacios G. (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2021 - 17:45:01 CDT

Dear Giacomo,


I have not had any rapprochement with tclBC, I don't know if you could give me an example that I can start with please.


On the other hand, I found in the example of colvar one called "", basically what I want is that the molecules (84 ligands placed around my protein at random), I don't know how to add, forming a cluster of itself, already I have a high number and many authors have mentioned this phenomenon. This script ( that I found in the examples might help me.






From: Giacomo Fiorin <>
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 5:01 PM
To: NAMD list <>, David Hardy <>
Subject: Re: namd-l: Add repulsive potential with dummy atom


Hi Geo, the documentation at the Colvars website is a bit richer than what is included in the NAMD manual:;!!DZ3fjg!rTvkcxHZMdgD-cSj2vJjRDsVB3nInQ8zcezbiQHEdvI4YOC9Ey0P3AABAShYYhq8VA$

and there are specific examples listed on the top page:;!!DZ3fjg!rTvkcxHZMdgD-cSj2vJjRDsVB3nInQ8zcezbiQHEdvI4YOC9Ey0P3AABASinxQtBcw$


However, there isn't likely to be an input file that is just ready to be reused, though, for several reasons:

1. There are details of your system that you didn't describe, but would be needed to prepare a good input.

2. The version of NAMD that you are using is important, as it affects the Colvars features available to you. In principle it is possible to build a more recent version of Colvars with older versions of NAMD, but this is not supported (meaning, it will likely work but taking more work on your part).

3. The Lennard-Jones potential is not present as a pre-compiled function for Colvars, although there are provisions to add custom functions at runtime listed in the Colvars doc.

4. If I understand correctly what Dave also understood, you have many pairs of molecules, which would mean a lot of variables that aren't really "collective".


Without resorting to advanced features/packages, why not simply pick one atom for each molecule, and apply forces between them with tclBC? It is slower than C++ code (like e.g. the force field functions from NAMD or the collective variables from Colvars), but it would be at least parallelized over nodes, and probably result in small overhead.



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