Re: what exactly is the form of the cosine angle potential?

From: Fotis Baltoumas (
Date: Fri Jul 17 2015 - 08:47:55 CDT


It is K(cos(theta)-cos(theta0))^2.

Therefore, if you want to convert parameters from GROMACS itp to
NAMD/CHARMM-like format, you need to divide the original K value by 2.
The same applies to ALL bonded potentials (bonds, angles and impropers),
not just the cosine angle potential.

You can confirm that simply by comparing the K values in the GROMACS and
NAMD versions of the MARTINI FF.
For example, the GROMACS angle between Qa, Na and C1 particles in the DOPS
lipid is the following

; i j k funct angle force.c.
  2 3 5 2 180.000 25.0
(since GROMACS uses the k/2 version)

while for the NAMD/CHARMM-like format it becomes

Qa Na C1 2.9875717 180 cos

(25 kj/mol = 5.975143403 kcal/mol => 2.9875717 kcal/mol)

> Hi,
> I was just wondering what the exact form of the cosine angle potential
> described here is:
> MARTINI Residue-Based Coarse-Grain Forcefield (NAMD 2.10 User's Guide)
> MARTINI Residue-Based Coarse-Grain Forcefield (NAMD 2.10 User's Guide)
> Read more...<>
> Is it K(cos(theta)-cos(theta0))^2 or (K/2)(cos(theta)-cos(theta0))^2?
> Thanks,
> Henry

Fotis A. Baltoumas
Phd Candidate, Bioinformatics Postgraduate Programme
Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics
Faculty of Biology, University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, GREECE
email :

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