atom specification in smd/tclforces for amber topology/parameter based systems

From: Jerry Ebalunode (jebalunode_at_UH.EDU)
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 14:50:20 CST

Hi all,
Since, amber parameter/structure files don't carry info on segment ids, is
there another way to specify the pulled atoms in the tclforces script file in
an smd simulution?. I already tried including a psf file built with vmd for
this but was unable to start the simulation.

here is my namd output

Info: Entering startup phase 6 with 10735 kB of memory in use.
Measuring processor speeds... Done.
Info: Entering startup phase 7 with 10736 kB of memory in use.
Info: NONZERO IMPRECISION IN COULOMB TABLE: 0 (0) 5.55865e-22 (656)
Info: NONZERO IMPRECISION IN COULOMB TABLE: 5.04871e-29 (651) 1.00974e-27
Info: NONZERO IMPRECISION IN COULOMB TABLE: 8.47033e-22 (693) 1.48231e-21
TCL: atom not found
FATAL ERROR: atom not found
    while executing
"atomid BH 2 H4"
    invoked from within
"set id1 [atomid BH 2 H4]"
    (file "smd.tcl" line 3)
------------- Processor 0 Exiting: Called CmiAbort ------------
Reason: FATAL ERROR: atom not found
    while executing
"atomid BH 2 H4"
    invoked from within
"set id1 [atomid BH 2 H4]"
    (file "smd.tcl" line 3)

Stack Traceback:
  [0] CmiAbort+0x48 [0x63c26f]
  [1] _Z8NAMD_diePKc+0x46 [0x4907c6]
  [2] _ZN15GlobalMasterTcl10initializeEv+0x36a [0x554dfa]
  [3] _ZN15GlobalMasterTclC1Ev+0x43 [0x553fb3]
  [4] _ZN10ComputeMgr14createComputesEP10ComputeMap+0x266 [0x4b49b6]
  [5] _ZN4Node7startupEv+0x2f0 [0x5890a0]
  [6] CkDeliverMessageFree+0x39 [0x605553]
  [7] _Z15_processHandlerPvP11CkCoreState+0x2c5 [0x606559]
  [8] CmiHandleMessage+0x28 [0x640bc4]
  [9] CsdScheduleForever+0x52 [0x640cf3]
  [10] CsdScheduler+0xd [0x640c83]
  [11] _ZN9ScriptTcl11Tcl_measureEPvP10Tcl_InterpiPPc+0x11a [0x5b473a]
  [12] TclInvokeStringCommand+0x91 [0x653658]
  [13] TclExecuteByteCode+0x856 [0x66df3f]
  [14] Tcl_EvalObjEx+0x2bb [0x65406b]
  [15] Tcl_WhileObjCmd+0x6a [0x6607ed]
  [16] namd2 [0x6894a8]
  [17] Tcl_EvalEx+0x176 [0x689aeb]
  [18] Tcl_EvalFile+0x134 [0x6814f4]
  [19] _ZN9ScriptTcl3runEPc+0x12 [0x5b6022]
  [20] main+0x1d6 [0x493016]
  [21] __libc_start_main+0xa0 [0x2a95d0e0e0]
  [22] cos+0x1ca [0x4900ea]
Charm++ fatal error:
FATAL ERROR: atom not found
    while executing
"atomid BH 2 H4"
    invoked from within
"set id1 [atomid BH 2 H4]"
    (file "smd.tcl" line 3)


Jerry Ebalunode
RM 402F Houston Science Center
Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Houston
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, TX 77204
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