JMV 0.80 Programmer's Documentation


actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.ControlButtonActionListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.SelectFileListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.BrowseListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.MainListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PubSynchBean.PubSynchListener
Performs action when a button is pressed.
addAtom(int, String, String, String, String, String, String, float, float, String, String, String) - Method in class Molecule
Adds an Atom to this Molecule
addAtom(Molecule.Atom) - Method in class Molecule
Add an Atom to this Molecule
addName(String, Object) - Method in class NameList
Adds a new entry
addNewPosition(int, float[]) - Method in class Molecule
Adds a new position for a new time index for a specified Atom
addOption(Option) - Method in class OptionsHolder
Adds a new option to the OptionsHolder
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport, to send property changes on mouse events (button clicks, etc.)
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ControlBean
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport, to send property changes on mouse events (button clicks, etc.)
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class FileChooserBean
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport, to send property changes on mouse events (button clicks, etc.)
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class RepChooserBean
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport, to send property changes on mouse events (button clicks, etc.)
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class StereoChooserBean
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport, to send property changes on mouse events (button clicks, etc.)
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class PubSynchBean
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the PropertyChangeSupport, to send property changes on mouse events (button clicks, etc.)
addUtilities(BranchGroup) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Adds lights, rotations to the main branch group
atomRadius(int) - Method in class Molecule
Gets the radius for a specified Atom
atomRadius(String) - Static method in class Molecule
Gets a radius for an atom based on its name gotten from the pdb.
atoms - Variable in class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms
list of atom indeces, as Integers


BACK - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating back light
backLight - Variable in class MolecGraphics
DirectionalLight for back light
BGR - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration for color gradient blue-green-red
BONDS - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Bonds drawing representation
BondSearch - class BondSearch.
Finds bonds between Atoms in a Molecule
BondSearch.GridSearchPair - class BondSearch.GridSearchPair.
GridSearchPair holds information for 2 atoms that share a bond
BondSearch.GridSearchPair() - Constructor for class BondSearch.GridSearchPair
BondSearch.GridSearchPair(int, int) - Constructor for class BondSearch.GridSearchPair
BondSearch() - Constructor for class BondSearch
bondSearch(Molecule, float) - Static method in class BondSearch
Determines the actual bonds for each atom in the molecule
browse(ActionEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean
Opens file dialog to allow user to browse their home directory for files.
BW - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration for color gradient black-white
BWR - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration for color gradient blue-white-red


calc_minmax() - Method in class Molecule
Calculates the minimum and maximum x, y, and z coordinates Stores the values in m_fMinX, m_fMaxX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxY, m_fMinZ, m_fMaxZ
CARTOON - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating mixed drawing representations
cc - Variable in class MolecGraphics
ColorCategory for determining and changing colors
CHAIN - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating coloring by atom chain
changeColors(Molecule, int, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Changes the color of an already drawn molecule
changeColorsInBranchGroup(BranchGroup, Molecule, int, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Changes the color for a BranchGroup containing a molecule (or part of a molecule)
changeDepth(int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Toggles depth cueing
changeGradient(int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Sets gradient based on the selected option
changeLights(int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Turns a light in the scene on or off
changeRangeColors(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class ColorCategory
Changes the start, middle, and end colors used for creating color ranges
changeStereoMode(int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Sets the stereo mode
clear() - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
clearQueue() - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
color - Variable in class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms
color scheme
ColorCategory - class ColorCategory.
Storage for color info and methods for choosing and creating colors
ColorCategory() - Constructor for class ColorCategory
Default constructor
ColorChooserBean - class ColorChooserBean.
Bean to choose color
ColorChooserBean.ColorChangeListener - class ColorChooserBean.ColorChangeListener.
Listener class to handle changes to the color scheme
ColorChooserBean.ColorChangeListener() - Constructor for class ColorChooserBean.ColorChangeListener
ColorChooserBean.RangeChangeListener - class ColorChooserBean.RangeChangeListener.
Listener class to handle changes to the color gradient
ColorChooserBean.RangeChangeListener() - Constructor for class ColorChooserBean.RangeChangeListener
ColorChooserBean() - Constructor for class ColorChooserBean
ControlBean - class ControlBean.
A control bean for controlling utilities such as lights, sphere resolution, depth cueing, etc.
ControlBean.ControlButtonActionListener - class ControlBean.ControlButtonActionListener.
Listener class to handle button presses, etc.
ControlBean.ControlButtonActionListener() - Constructor for class ControlBean.ControlButtonActionListener
ControlBean.ControlChangeListener - class ControlBean.ControlChangeListener.
Listener class to handle changes to checkboxes, etc
ControlBean.ControlChangeListener() - Constructor for class ControlBean.ControlChangeListener
ControlBean.UtilListener - class ControlBean.UtilListener.
Window listener class for the Utilities pop up window
ControlBean.UtilListener() - Constructor for class ControlBean.UtilListener
ControlBean() - Constructor for class ControlBean
CPK - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating CPK drawing representation
createAPR(float, float, float) - Static method in class MolecGraphics
Creates an Appearance with the given color uses default shininess, etc
createBondList() - Method in class Molecule
Creates the neighbor list, listing the neighbors of each atom for drawing bonds It creates a 2D array, where each element contains an array of integers that correspond to the indeces of its neighbors and stores it in m_iaBondList
createCAList() - Method in class Molecule
Creates a list of atom indeces that are all the C-Alpha (CA) atoms in the molecule Stores result in m_iaCAList
createChoice() - Method in class OptionsHolder
Creates a Choice box that's a drop-down box of the Options contained in this OptionsHolder
createColorsByIndexRange(int) - Static method in class ColorCategory
Creates a color table from a user-supplied index range It creates a list of rgb colors that fade from m_startColor to m_midColor to m_endColor.
createSceneGraph(Molecule, int, int, Vector) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Creates the entire sceneGraph used when changing molecules
CYL_BOND_RADIUS - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
default cylinder radius for Bond representation
CYL_CPK_RADIUS - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
default cylinder radius for CPK representation
CYL_HDIV - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
horizontal cylinder subdivision
CYL_VDIV - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
vertical cylinder subdivision


drawAllCylinders(Molecule, int, float) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws the bonds of a molecule as cylinders
drawAtoms(Molecule, Vector) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws atoms on a per atom basis
drawBondAtom(Molecule, int, float, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws an atom in Bond representation
drawBonds(Molecule, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws line representation
drawCylinder(float[], int, int, Appearance, float, boolean) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Creates a single cylinder
drawLineAtoms(Molecule, PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws some atoms of a molecule in Lines representation
drawMolecule(Molecule, int, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Returns a branchGroup from the given molecule, with the given representation used when changing the representation.
drawOneSphere(Molecule, int, float, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws one atom as a sphere for a given molecule
drawOneSphere(Molecule, int, float, int, boolean) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws one atom as a sphere for a given molecule
drawSpheres(Molecule, int, float) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws atoms as spheres for a given molecule
drawSpheres(Molecule, int, float, boolean) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws atoms as spheres for a given molecule
drawTrace(Molecule, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws a molecule in Trace representation
drawTraceAtom(Molecule, int, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws a specified atom in Trace representation
drawTube(Molecule, int, float) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draws the molecule in Tube representation
drawTubeAtom(Molecule, int, float, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Draw a single atom in Tube rep
DTD - Static variable in class MolecIO
Enumeration indicating dtd file


entrySet() - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
exponentialFog - Variable in class MolecGraphics
Fog for depth cueing


FileChooserBean - class FileChooserBean.
Bean that allows users to choose files to load into JMV.
FileChooserBean.BrowseListener - class FileChooserBean.BrowseListener.
ActionListener class to handle "Browse" button action
FileChooserBean.BrowseListener() - Constructor for class FileChooserBean.BrowseListener
FileChooserBean.MainListener - class FileChooserBean.MainListener.
ActionListener class to handle bringing up the popup window
FileChooserBean.MainListener() - Constructor for class FileChooserBean.MainListener
FileChooserBean.SelectFileListener - class FileChooserBean.SelectFileListener.
ActionListener class to handle "Select" button action
FileChooserBean.SelectFileListener() - Constructor for class FileChooserBean.SelectFileListener
FileChooserBean.WinListener - class FileChooserBean.WinListener.
WindowListener class to manage the popup window
FileChooserBean.WinListener() - Constructor for class FileChooserBean.WinListener
FileChooserBean() - Constructor for class FileChooserBean
findAtomInResidue(String, int) - Method in class Molecule
Gets the atom given its name and residue id
FRONT - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating front light
frontLight - Variable in class MolecGraphics
DirectionalLight for front light


get(Object) - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
getAllPositions() - Method in class Molecule
Gets all the coordinates for the Atoms in this Molecule, for all times
getAppearance(Molecule, int, int) - Method in class ColorCategory
Gets the Appearance for a specific atom in a molecule
getAtom(int) - Method in class Molecule
Gets the atom at a specific index
getAtomCharacter(String) - Static method in class Molecule
Gets a character representing this atom, based on the String name gotten from the pdb.
getBondList() - Method in class Molecule
Gets the list of bonds between atoms
getColor() - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Gets current color scheme
getColor(Molecule, int, int) - Method in class ColorCategory
Gets the color for a specific atom in a molecule
getColorArray(Molecule, int) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Gets the array of colors for a LineArray
getColorArray(Molecule, int, Vector) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Creates the array of colors for a LineArray
getCoords() - Method in class Molecule
Gets all the coordinates for each Atom in this Molecule for time 0
getCoords(int) - Method in class Molecule
Gets all the coordinates for each Atom in this Molecule for a specified timestep
getFileName() - Method in class FileChooserBean
Gets the name of the file
getId() - Method in class Option
Gets the id number
getIndex() - Method in class IndexedBranchGroup
Gets the index for this IndexedBranchGroup
getIndex() - Method in class IndexedShape
Gets the index for this IndexedShape
getIndex(String) - Method in class NameList
Gets the index of an entry based on its name
getMaxX() - Method in class Molecule
Gets maximum x coordinate for this Molecule
getMaxY() - Method in class Molecule
Gets maximum y coordinate for this Molecule
getMaxZ() - Method in class Molecule
Gets maximum z coordinate for this Molecule
getMinX() - Method in class Molecule
Gets minimum x coordinate for this Molecule
getMinY() - Method in class Molecule
Gets minimum y coordinate for this Molecule
getMinZ() - Method in class Molecule
Gets minimum z coordinate for this Molecule
getMolecule(InputStream) - Static method in class PdbReader
Creates a Molecule from reading an InputStream
getName() - Method in class Option
Gets the name
getName(int) - Method in class NameList
Gets the name of an entry based on its index
getOption(int) - Method in class OptionsHolder
Gets the Option based on its id
getOption(String) - Method in class OptionsHolder
Gets the Option based on its name
getPosition(int) - Method in class Molecule
gets the coordinates of an atom position for time 0
getPosition(int, int) - Method in class Molecule
gets the coordinates of an atom position for a specified time index
getRep() - Method in class RepChooserBean
Gets the current representation
getStereo() - Method in class StereoChooserBean
Gets the current stereo mode
getSynchFilename() - Method in class PubSynchBean
Gets the filename of the last published molecule
getUrl() - Method in class HelpBean
Gets the URL to the Help page
getValue(int) - Method in class NameList
Gets the Object stored in an entry based on its index
getValue(String) - Method in class NameList
Gets the Object stored in an entry based on its name
gradient - Variable in class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms
color gradient
gridSearch(Molecule, float) - Static method in class BondSearch
Creates GridSearchPairs to determine closeness of atoms for bond search Here's how it works: gridSearch() divides the space that the molecule occupies into a 3-d grid of cubes, or gridboxes.
GRO - Static variable in class MolecIO
Enumeration indicating gro file
guiInit() - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Initializes Bean layout
guiInit() - Method in class ControlBean
Initializes user interface
guiInit() - Method in class FileChooserBean
Initializes Bean layout
guiInit() - Method in class RepChooserBean
Initializes user interface for the Bean
guiInit() - Method in class StereoChooserBean
Initializes user interface for Bean
guiInit() - Method in class PubSynchBean
Initialize user interface


HELIX - Static variable in class Molecule.Atom
Enumeration indicating helix structure
HelpBean - class HelpBean.
Bean that brings up a help window for JMV
HelpBean() - Constructor for class HelpBean
helpMouseClicked() - Method in class HelpBean
Opens the help page when the button is clicked


INDEX - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating coloring by atom index
index1 - Variable in class BondSearch.GridSearchPair
atom index of first atom
index2 - Variable in class BondSearch.GridSearchPair
atom index of second atom
IndexedBranchGroup - class IndexedBranchGroup.
This is a BranchGroup object with an index associated with it
IndexedBranchGroup(int) - Constructor for class IndexedBranchGroup
IndexedShape - class IndexedShape.
This is a Shape3D object with an index associated with it
IndexedShape(int, Geometry, Appearance) - Constructor for class IndexedShape
init() - Method in class MainBean
Initializes Bean interface and sets up MolecGraphics
init() - Method in class HelpBean
init() - Method in class TBSoft
init(Panel) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Initializes the scene and add it to the panel for display
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ColorChooserBean.ColorChangeListener
Sets the color scheme when an event is received
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ColorChooserBean.RangeChangeListener
Sets the gradient when an event is received
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.ControlChangeListener
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class RepChooserBean.RepChangeListener
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class StereoChooserBean.StereoChangeListener


JMVImageWriter - class JMVImageWriter.
Class CapturingCanvas3D, using the instructions from the Java3D FAQ pages on how to capture a still image in jpeg format.
JMVImageWriter() - Constructor for class JMVImageWriter


LICORICE - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Cartoon drawing representation
LINE_THICKNESS - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
line thickness (for lines rep)
LINES - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Lines drawing representation
LoadMolecule(InputStream) - Method in class MolecIO
Loads a molecule from an InputStream
loadVRMLFile(String) - Method in class MolecGraphics
LOWER - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating lower light
lowerLight - Variable in class MolecGraphics
DirectionalLight for lower light


m_appearanceArray - Static variable in class ColorCategory
current Appearance array, contains Appearances for each of the rgb colors in m_colorArray
m_bgCalculating - Variable in class MolecGraphics
m_bgLoading - Variable in class MolecGraphics
m_canvas - Variable in class PubSynchBean
Canvas for image drawing
m_cbControl_itemChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class ControlBean
Handles an event, such as a checkbox being checked or unchecked
m_colorArray - Static variable in class ColorCategory
current color array of (r,g,b) values
m_endColor - Static variable in class ColorCategory
end color for color range
m_fOccupancy - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
m_fRadius - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
radius of the atom
m_fTemperature - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
m_iColorScheme - Variable in class MainBean
current color scheme
m_iGradient - Variable in class MainBean
current color gradient
m_iRep - Variable in class MainBean
current representation
m_iResID - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
residue id number
m_iSerial - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
serial number (index)
m_iStereoMode - Variable in class MainBean
current stereo mode
m_iStructure - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
m_jcbReps_itemChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class RepChooserBean
Sets representation based on the ID number of the selected option
m_jcbStereo_itemChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class StereoChooserBean
Sets the stereo mode based on input from an ItemEvent
m_map - Variable in class MolecGraphics
SoftHashMap for storing BranchGroups
m_mgMolecGraphics - Variable in class MainBean
MolecGraphics for molecule graphics options
m_midColor - Static variable in class ColorCategory
middle color for color range
m_MolecIO - Variable in class MainBean
MolecIO for molecule input/output operations
m_Molecule - Variable in class MainBean
current Molecule
m_pubSynchBean - Variable in class MainBean
m_startColor - Static variable in class ColorCategory
start color for color range
m_strAltLoc - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
alternate location
m_strAtomName - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
atom name
m_strChain - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
m_strCharge - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
charge on the atom
m_strDescription - Variable in class OptionsHolder
description of the holder
m_strFile - Variable in class MainBean
current molecule filename
m_strFilename - Variable in class MolecGraphics
filename of the current molecule
m_strInsertion - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
insertion code
m_strResName - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
residue name
m_strSegname - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
segment name
m_strSymbol - Variable in class Molecule.Atom
atomic symbol
m_strTitle - Variable in class OptionsHolder
title of the holder
MainBean - class MainBean.
Main bean for JMV applet
MainBean() - Constructor for class MainBean
makeNeighborCheckList(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class BondSearch
Creates a list of which neighbors to check for which boxes
mapFloat2Color(float, float, float) - Static method in class ColorCategory
Maps floating point data to a color gradient palette
mapIndex2Color(int, int) - Static method in class ColorCategory
Maps zero or one-based integer indexed data to a color gradient palette
MAX_SPHERE_SUBDIV - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
maximum sphere subdivision
messageScreen(String) - Static method in class MolecGraphics
Creates a quick message screen to display (such as while a molecule is being loaded and created)
MIX - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Licorice drawing representation
MolecGraphics - class MolecGraphics.
Responsible for drawing and updating the molecule graphics.
MolecGraphics() - Constructor for class MolecGraphics
MolecGraphicsProperties - class MolecGraphicsProperties.
Contains all properties for the MolecGraphics, such as sphere and cylinder subdivisions, sphere radii, line thickness, etc.
MolecGraphicsProperties() - Constructor for class MolecGraphicsProperties
MolecIO - class MolecIO.
Contains info for input/output of Molecule data
MolecIO() - Constructor for class MolecIO
MolecIOProperties - class MolecIOProperties.
Properties for input of the molecule data
MolecIOProperties() - Constructor for class MolecIOProperties
Molecule - class Molecule. class for storing information about a molecule read in from a pdb file
Molecule.Atom - class Molecule.Atom.
inner class Atom for use in Molecule
Molecule.Atom(int, String, String, String, String, String, String, float, float, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Molecule.Atom
Molecule() - Constructor for class Molecule


NAME - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating coloring by atom name
NameList - class NameList.
Storage class to store an Object and to be able to access it from its name or its index.
NameList() - Constructor for class NameList
next - Variable in class BondSearch.GridSearchPair
next GridSearchPair
NONE - Static variable in class Molecule.Atom
Enumeration indicating no structure
numAtoms() - Method in class Molecule
Returns the number of atoms in the molecule


Option - class Option.
Class to store information for an option.
Option(String, int) - Constructor for class Option
OptionsHolder - class OptionsHolder.
Class for storing Options.
OptionsHolder(String, String) - Constructor for class OptionsHolder


PDB - Static variable in class MolecIO
Enumeration indicating pdb file
PdbReader - class PdbReader.
Reads in a pdb file and creates a Molecule based on the information read in
PdbReader() - Constructor for class PdbReader
print() - Method in class Molecule
Prints information for the Molecule: the serial, name, residue id, and (x,y,z) coordinate for each Atom
processQueue() - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
Here we go through the ReferenceQueue and remove garbage collected SoftValue objects from the HashMap by looking them up using the SoftValue.key data member.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class MainBean
Changes a property: (molecule, representation, color, etc) when a PropertyChangeEvent is sent
PSF - Static variable in class MolecIO
Enumeration indicating psf file
publish(String) - Method in class PubSynchBean
Publishes the current JMV state to the specified file It writes the filename, representation, colorscheme, gradient, and the matrix coordinates of the molecule transformation.
PubSynchBean - class PubSynchBean.
This Bean allows users to save the current JMV state, and load that state later.
PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms - class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms.
Holder class for atom drawing info
PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms() - Constructor for class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms
PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms(int, int, int, Vector) - Constructor for class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms
PubSynchBean.PubSynchListener - class PubSynchBean.PubSynchListener.
ActionListener class for the buttons
PubSynchBean.PubSynchListener() - Constructor for class PubSynchBean.PubSynchListener
PubSynchBean() - Constructor for class PubSynchBean
put(Object, Object) - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
Here we put the key, value pair into the HashMap using a SoftValue object.


redraw(Molecule, int, int, boolean) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Redraws molecule.
redraw(Molecule, int, int, boolean, Vector) - Method in class MolecGraphics
Redraws molecule.
remove(Object) - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class ControlBean
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class FileChooserBean
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class RepChooserBean
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class StereoChooserBean
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the PropertyChangeSupport
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class PubSynchBean
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the PropertyChangeSupport
rep - Variable in class PubSynchBean.DrawAtoms
RepChooserBean - class RepChooserBean.
Bean to choose molecule representation (lines, VDW, Tube, etc)
RepChooserBean.RepChangeListener - class RepChooserBean.RepChangeListener.
inner ItemListener class to listen to the changes in the Choice box
RepChooserBean.RepChangeListener() - Constructor for class RepChooserBean.RepChangeListener
RepChooserBean() - Constructor for class RepChooserBean
RESNAME - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating coloring by atom residue
RGB - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration for color gradient red-green-blue
RIBBON_WIDTH - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
length of ribbons
RWB - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration for color gradient red-white-blue


SEGNAME - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating coloring by atom segment
selectColor(int) - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Sets the color scheme
selectFile_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean
Sets the new molecule file name.
selectRep(int) - Method in class RepChooserBean
Sets a new representation
sendusage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class TBSoft
Sends information to Theoretical Biophysics Group whenever JMV is accessed from the webpage.
setColor(int) - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Sets the current color range scheme
setColorArray(Molecule, int) - Static method in class ColorCategory
Creates the array of colors to use in the scene Also creates the array of Appearances
setFileName(String) - Method in class FileChooserBean
Sets a new file name
setId(int) - Method in class Option
Sets the id number
setIndex(int) - Method in class IndexedBranchGroup
Sets the index for this IndexedBranchGroup
setIndex(int) - Method in class IndexedShape
Sets the index
setName(int, String) - Method in class NameList
Sets the name of an entry based on its index
setName(String) - Method in class Option
Sets the name
setParams(TransformGroup, Molecule, String, int, int, int) - Method in class PubSynchBean
Sets the parameters for publishing
setPositions(Vector) - Method in class Molecule
Sets the coordinates for the Atoms in the Molecule
setRange(int) - Method in class ColorChooserBean
Fires property change for a new color gradient
setReaderType(int) - Method in class MolecIO
sets the reader type (pdb, psf, etc)
setRep(int) - Method in class RepChooserBean
Sets a new representation
setStereo(int) - Method in class StereoChooserBean
Sets the stereo mode
setSynchFilename(String) - Method in class PubSynchBean
sets the filename of the molecule
setUrl(String) - Method in class HelpBean
Set the URL for the Help page
setValue(int, Object) - Method in class NameList
Sets an Object in an entry based on its index
SHEET - Static variable in class Molecule.Atom
Enumeration indicating sheet structure
size() - Method in class NameList
Gets the number of entries
size() - Method in class util.SoftHashMap
SoftHashMap - class util.SoftHashMap.
SoftHashMap() - Constructor for class util.SoftHashMap
SoftHashMap(int) - Constructor for class util.SoftHashMap
SPHERE_RADIUS - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
default sphere radius
SPHERE_SUBDIV - Static variable in class MolecGraphicsProperties
number of sphere subdivisions
STEREO_OFF - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Stereo mode off
STEREO_ON - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Stereo mode on
StereoChooserBean - class StereoChooserBean.
Bean to choose stereo display mode
StereoChooserBean.StereoChangeListener - class StereoChooserBean.StereoChangeListener.
Inner ItemListener class to listen to stereo mode Choice box
StereoChooserBean.StereoChangeListener() - Constructor for class StereoChooserBean.StereoChangeListener
StereoChooserBean() - Constructor for class StereoChooserBean
STRUCTURE - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating coloring by structure
synch(String) - Method in class PubSynchBean
Loads a file with different atom representations, colors, etc.


TBSoft - class TBSoft.
Theoritical Biophysics Software Usage tracker
TBSOFT_TRACK_HOST - Static variable in class TBSoft
Theoretical Biophysics host
TBSOFT_TRACK_PORT - Static variable in class TBSoft
Theoretical Biophysics tracking port
TBSoft() - Constructor for class TBSoft
titleScreen() - Static method in class MolecGraphics
Displays the JMV title screen
TRACE - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Trace drawing representation
TUBE - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating Tube drawing representation
TURN - Static variable in class Molecule.Atom
Enumeration indicating turn structure


UPPER - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating upper light
upperLight - Variable in class MolecGraphics
DirectionalLight for upper light
util - package util


VDW - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating VDW drawing representation
VRML - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration indicating a VRML scene


WB - Static variable in class MolecGraphics
Enumeration for color gradient white-black
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class ControlBean.UtilListener
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class FileChooserBean.WinListener
writeImage(Canvas3D, String) - Static method in class JMVImageWriter
Writes a jpeg of the current JMV canvas

Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois