JMV 0.80 Programmer's Documentation

Class Molecule


public class Molecule
extends java.lang.Object class for storing information about a molecule read in from a pdb file

Nested Class Summary
 class Molecule.Atom
          inner class Atom for use in Molecule
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addAtom(int serial, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String loc, java.lang.String residue, java.lang.String chain, java.lang.String resid, java.lang.String insertion, float occ, float temp, java.lang.String segmentId, java.lang.String symbol, java.lang.String charge)
          Adds an Atom to this Molecule
 void addAtom(Molecule.Atom newAtom)
          Add an Atom to this Molecule
 void addNewPosition(int atomIndex, float[] position)
          Adds a new position for a new time index for a specified Atom
 float atomRadius(int index)
          Gets the radius for a specified Atom
static float atomRadius(java.lang.String atomName)
          Gets a radius for an atom based on its name gotten from the pdb.
 void calc_minmax()
          Calculates the minimum and maximum x, y, and z coordinates Stores the values in m_fMinX, m_fMaxX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxY, m_fMinZ, m_fMaxZ
 void createBondList()
          Creates the neighbor list, listing the neighbors of each atom for drawing bonds It creates a 2D array, where each element contains an array of integers that correspond to the indeces of its neighbors and stores it in m_iaBondList
 void createCAList()
          Creates a list of atom indeces that are all the C-Alpha (CA) atoms in the molecule Stores result in m_iaCAList
 Molecule.Atom findAtomInResidue(java.lang.String name, int resId)
          Gets the atom given its name and residue id
 java.util.Vector getAllPositions()
          Gets all the coordinates for the Atoms in this Molecule, for all times
 Molecule.Atom getAtom(int index)
          Gets the atom at a specific index
static char getAtomCharacter(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a character representing this atom, based on the String name gotten from the pdb.
 int[][] getBondList()
          Gets the list of bonds between atoms
 float[] getCoords()
          Gets all the coordinates for each Atom in this Molecule for time 0
 float[] getCoords(int time)
          Gets all the coordinates for each Atom in this Molecule for a specified timestep
 float getMaxX()
          Gets maximum x coordinate for this Molecule
 float getMaxY()
          Gets maximum y coordinate for this Molecule
 float getMaxZ()
          Gets maximum z coordinate for this Molecule
 float getMinX()
          Gets minimum x coordinate for this Molecule
 float getMinY()
          Gets minimum y coordinate for this Molecule
 float getMinZ()
          Gets minimum z coordinate for this Molecule
 float[] getPosition(int atomIndex)
          gets the coordinates of an atom position for time 0
 float[] getPosition(int atomIndex, int timeIndex)
          gets the coordinates of an atom position for a specified time index
 int numAtoms()
          Returns the number of atoms in the molecule
 void print()
          Prints information for the Molecule: the serial, name, residue id, and (x,y,z) coordinate for each Atom
 void setPositions(java.util.Vector positions)
          Sets the coordinates for the Atoms in the Molecule
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Molecule()

Method Detail


public int numAtoms()
Returns the number of atoms in the molecule


public void addAtom(Molecule.Atom newAtom)
Add an Atom to this Molecule


public Molecule.Atom getAtom(int index)
Gets the atom at a specific index

index - the index for the atom
the Atom in the Molecule with the specified index


public float[] getCoords()
Gets all the coordinates for each Atom in this Molecule for time 0

a float array of the (x,y,z) coordinates for each Atom in the Molecule, i.e. [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2...]


public float[] getCoords(int time)
Gets all the coordinates for each Atom in this Molecule for a specified timestep

time - the time position to get the coordinates for
a float array of the (x,y,z) coordinates for each Atom in the Molecule, i.e. [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2...]


public void addAtom(int serial,
                    java.lang.String name,
                    java.lang.String loc,
                    java.lang.String residue,
                    java.lang.String chain,
                    java.lang.String resid,
                    java.lang.String insertion,
                    float occ,
                    float temp,
                    java.lang.String segmentId,
                    java.lang.String symbol,
                    java.lang.String charge)
Adds an Atom to this Molecule

serial - the serial number
name - the Atom name
loc - the location of the Atom
residue - the residue the Atom is in
chain - the chain the Atom is in
resid - the id for the residue the Atom is in
insertion - the insertion code
occ - the occupancy of the Atom
temp - the temperature of the Atom
segmentId - the id for the segment the Atom is in
symbol - the atomic symbol for the Atom
charge - the charge of the Atom


public void setPositions(java.util.Vector positions)
Sets the coordinates for the Atoms in the Molecule

positions - a Vector containing the (x,y,z) coordinates for each Atom for each time index


public java.util.Vector getAllPositions()
Gets all the coordinates for the Atoms in this Molecule, for all times

a Vector containing the (x,y,z) coordinates for each Atom for each time index


public float[] getPosition(int atomIndex,
                           int timeIndex)
gets the coordinates of an atom position for a specified time index

atomIndex - the index of the atom in this Molecule's atom vector
timeIndex - the index of the time position for this atom
a float array of the x,y,z coordinate for this atom and time


public float[] getPosition(int atomIndex)
gets the coordinates of an atom position for time 0

atomIndex - the index of the atom in this Molecule's atom vector
a float array of the x,y,z coordinate for this atom and time


public void calc_minmax()
Calculates the minimum and maximum x, y, and z coordinates Stores the values in m_fMinX, m_fMaxX, m_fMinY, m_fMaxY, m_fMinZ, m_fMaxZ


public float getMinX()
Gets minimum x coordinate for this Molecule


public float getMaxX()
Gets maximum x coordinate for this Molecule


public float getMinY()
Gets minimum y coordinate for this Molecule


public float getMaxY()
Gets maximum y coordinate for this Molecule


public float getMinZ()
Gets minimum z coordinate for this Molecule


public float getMaxZ()
Gets maximum z coordinate for this Molecule


public void addNewPosition(int atomIndex,
                           float[] position)
Adds a new position for a new time index for a specified Atom

atomIndex - the index of the Atom to modify
position - a float array of the (x,y,z) coordinate to add


public void print()
Prints information for the Molecule: the serial, name, residue id, and (x,y,z) coordinate for each Atom


public static float atomRadius(java.lang.String atomName)
Gets a radius for an atom based on its name gotten from the pdb.

the radius for the atom


public float atomRadius(int index)
Gets the radius for a specified Atom

index - the index of the Atom to get the radius for
the radius of the Atom


public static char getAtomCharacter(java.lang.String name)
Gets a character representing this atom, based on the String name gotten from the pdb.

name - the name of the atom gotten from the pdb file
the character representing this Atom


public void createBondList()
Creates the neighbor list, listing the neighbors of each atom for drawing bonds It creates a 2D array, where each element contains an array of integers that correspond to the indeces of its neighbors and stores it in m_iaBondList


public int[][] getBondList()
Gets the list of bonds between atoms

a 2d int array representing the neighboring Atom indeces for each Atom


public void createCAList()
Creates a list of atom indeces that are all the C-Alpha (CA) atoms in the molecule Stores result in m_iaCAList


public Molecule.Atom findAtomInResidue(java.lang.String name,
                                       int resId)
Gets the atom given its name and residue id

name - the name of the atom ("O", "CA", etc)
resId - the residue id in which you wish to find the atom
the Atom in the molecule with the specified residue id and name

Copyright (C) 2000-2002 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois