Deyu Lu, Paul Grayson, and Klaus Schulten.
Glycerol conductance and physical asymmetry of the Escherichia
Coli glycerol facilitator GlpF.
Biophysical Journal, 85:2977-2987, 2003.
(PMC: 1303576)
The aquaglyceroporin GlpF is a transmembrane channel of
Escherichia coli that facilitates the uptake of glycerol by the
cell. Its high glycerol uptake rate is crucial for the cell to
survive in very low glycerol concentrations. Though GlpF allows
both influx and outflux of glycerol, its structure, similar to the
structure of maltoporin, exhibits a significant degree of
asymmetry. The potential of mean force characterizing glycerol in
the channel shows a corresponding asymmetry with an attractive
vestibule only at the periplasmic side. In this study, we analyze
the potential of mean force, showing that a simplified six-step
model captures the kinetics and yields a glycerol conduction rate
that agrees well with observation. The vestibule improves the
conduction rate by and at M and
periplasmic glycerol concentrations, respectively. In addition,
neither the conduction rate nor the conduction probability for a
single glycerol (efficiency) depends on the orientation of GlpF.
GlpF appears to conduct equally well in both directions under
physiological conditions.
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