Edgar Larios, Wei Y. Yang, Klaus Schulten, and Martin Gruebele.
A similarity measure for partially folded proteins: Application to
unfolded and native-like conformational fluctuations.
Chemical Physics, 307:217-225, 2004.
Computing the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of a partially folded protein structure from the folded state requires the two structures to be translationally and rotationally aligned. We examine the constraint matrix that preserves orthogonality of the rotation matrix during minimization of the RMSD. is proportional to the sensitivity of the RMSD to the rotational alignment matrix. Its trace yields an isotropic reaction coordinate, while its off-diagonal matrix elements are related to the moment of inertia derivative tensor that encodes anisotropic information about the structure. We use to compare -repressor fragment 6-85 (
) to several partially folded structures obtained from molecular dynamics simulation (MD), and find that as a reaction coordinate indeed encodes some information about protein topology. We also apply RMSD, and tryptophan sidechain mobility as criteria for native state structural fluctuations of several
mutants. The mutants denaturation curves and fluorescence quenching are measured experimentally for comparison. The results are in accord with a recent proposal that structural fluctuations near the chromophore can induce increased native state fluorescence or hyperfluorescence during unfolding of proteins.
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