Aleksij Aksimentiev, Ilya A. Balabin, Robert H. Fillingame, and Klaus Schulten.
Insights into the molecular mechanism of rotation in the Fo sector
of ATP synthase.
Biophysical Journal, 86:1332-1344, 2004.
(PMC: 1303972)
AKSI2004-ATP synthase is a ubiquitous membrane protein
complex that efficiently converts a cell's transmembrane proton
gradient into chemical energy stored as ATP. The protein is
made of two molecular motors, and , which are
coupled by a central stalk. The membrane unit, , converts
the transmembrane electrochemical potential into mechanical
rotation of a rotor in and the physically connected central
stalk. Based on available data of individual components, we have
built an all-atom model of and investigated through
molecular dynamics simulations and mathematical modeling the
mechanism of torque generation in . The mechanism
that emerged generates the torque at the interface of the and
subunits of through side groups Ser206,
Arg210, Asn214 of the subunit and side groups
Asp61 of the subunits. The mechanism couples
protonation / deprotonation of two Asp61, juxtaposed to the
subunit at any moment in time, to rotations of individual
subunit helices as well as rotation of the entire subunit. The
Arg210 side group orients the Asp61 side groups and,
thereby, establishes proton transfer via Ser206 and
Asn214 to proton half-channels, while preventing direct
proton transfer between the half-channels. A mathematical model
proves the feasibility of torque generation by the stated
mechanism against loads typical during ATP synthesis; the
essential model characteristics, e.g., helix and subunit rotation and
associated friction constants, have been tested and furnished by
molecular dynamics simulations.
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