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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2016 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: babelplugin.c,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $       $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.49 $       $Date: 2016/11/28 05:01:53 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00018 /*
00019  * Convert files using Babel 1.6
00020  *
00021  *
00022  * Convert files using Open Babel 1.100.2
00023  *
00024  */
00027 #include <stdlib.h>
00028 #include <ctype.h>
00029 #include <string.h>
00031 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) 
00032 #include <unistd.h>  /* for getuid */
00033 #endif
00035 #include "molfile_plugin.h"
00036 #include "readpdb.h"
00037 #include "vmddir.h"
00038 #include "periodic_table.h"
00040 typedef struct {
00041   FILE *fd;
00042   int natoms;
00043   char *original_file;
00044   char *current_file;
00045   int babel_num;
00046   int babel_i;
00047 } pdbdata;
00049 /* 
00050  * I guess this is to try to keep tmp files from clobbering each other
00051  */
00052 static int vmd_getuid(void) {
00053 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00054   return 0;
00055 #else
00056   return getuid();
00057 #endif
00058 }
00060 static int vmd_delete_file(const char * path) {
00061 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00062   if (DeleteFile(path) == 0)
00063     return -1;
00064   else
00065     return 0;
00066 #else
00067   return unlink(path);
00068 #endif
00069 }
00071 #define BABEL_TMPDIR "/tmp/"
00073 /*
00074  * Dude, don't even think for a minute that I came up with this code.  It's
00075  * copied from BabelConvert.C, ok?
00076  * This gets called three times, with has_multi = 1, -2, and -1.  Don't ask
00077  * me why.
00078  */
00079 static char *file(const char *filename, int idx, int has_multi) {
00080    /* temp space to save the filename or glob */
00081    int i=0;
00082    char *ptr;
00083    char *tempspace = (char *)malloc(513);
00084    const char *s;
00085    for (s = filename; *s != 0; s++) { 
00086       if ((*s == '/') || (*s == '\\'))
00087         i = s-filename+1;
00088    }
00089    /*
00090    // so filename+i points to the actual name
00091    // if there are multiple files in the conversion, then the output
00092    // looks like "test0041.extensions".  If there was a single file,
00093    // the output looks like "test.extensions"
00094    */
00095    if (has_multi == -1) {
00096       sprintf(tempspace, "%svmdbabel*.u%d.%s", BABEL_TMPDIR,
00097               vmd_getuid(), filename + i);
00098    } else if (has_multi == -2) {
00099       char *reallytemp = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename+i)+1);
00100       strcpy(reallytemp, filename+i);
00101       *(reallytemp + strlen(reallytemp) - 1) = 0;
00102       sprintf(tempspace, "vmdbabel%%[0-9.]u%d.%s%%c",
00103               vmd_getuid(), reallytemp);
00104       free(reallytemp);
00105    } else if (has_multi == 0) {
00106       sprintf(tempspace, "%svmdbabel.u%d.%s", BABEL_TMPDIR,
00107               vmd_getuid(), filename + i);
00108    } else {
00109       sprintf(tempspace, "%svmdbabel%04d.u%d.%s", BABEL_TMPDIR, idx+1,
00110               vmd_getuid(), filename + i);
00111    }
00112    for (ptr = tempspace; *ptr; ptr++) {  /* babel makes them lowercase! */
00113       *ptr = tolower(*ptr);              /* grrrrrrr                    */
00114    }
00115    return tempspace;
00116 }
00118 static void delete_all(const char *filename) {
00119   const char *s;
00120   char *t;
00122   s = file(filename, 0, -1); /* puts a '*' in number field */
00123   t = (char *)malloc(strlen(s) + 35);
00124 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00125    sprintf(t, "del %s", s);
00126 #else
00127    sprintf(t, "/bin/rm -f \"%s\"", s);
00128 #endif
00129   system(t);
00130   free(t);
00131 }
00133 static void *open_pdb_read(const char *filepath, int *natoms) {
00134   FILE *fd;
00135   pdbdata *pdb;
00136   char pdbstr[PDB_BUFFER_LENGTH];
00137   int indx;
00138   fd = fopen(filepath, "r");
00139   if (!fd) return NULL;
00140   pdb = (pdbdata *)malloc(sizeof(pdbdata));
00141   pdb->fd = fd;
00142   *natoms = 0;
00143   do {
00144     if((indx = read_pdb_record(pdb->fd, pdbstr)) == PDB_ATOM)
00145       *natoms += 1;
00146   } while (indx != PDB_END && indx != PDB_EOF);
00147   rewind(pdb->fd);
00148   pdb->natoms = *natoms;
00149   return pdb;
00150 }
00152 /*
00153  * Babel 1.6 internal file type names
00154  */
00155 static const char *babel16filetypes[] = {
00156 "alc",
00157 "prep",
00158 "bs",
00159 "bgf",
00160 "car",
00161 "boog",
00162 "caccrt",
00163 "cadpac",
00164 "charmm",
00165 "c3d1",
00166 "c3d2",
00167 "cssr",
00168 "fdat",
00169 "gstat",
00170 "dock",
00171 "dpdb",
00172 "feat",
00173 "fract",
00174 "gamout",
00175 "gzmat",
00176 "gauout",
00177 "g94",
00178 "gr96A",
00179 "gr96N",
00180 "hin",
00181 "sdf",
00182 "m3d",
00183 "macmol",
00184 "macmod",
00185 "micro",
00186 "mm2in",
00187 "mm2out",
00188 "mm3",
00189 "mmads",
00190 "mdl",
00191 "molen",
00192 "mopcrt",
00193 "mopint",
00194 "mopout",
00195 "pcmod",
00196 "psin",
00197 "psout",
00198 "msf",
00199 "schakal",
00200 "shelx",
00201 "smiles",
00202 "spar",
00203 "semi",
00204 "spmm",
00205 "mol",
00206 "mol2",
00207 "wiz",
00208 "unixyz",
00209 "xyz",  
00210 "xed",
00211 0
00212 };
00214 /*
00215  * Plugin names registered in VMD for each Babel 1.6 file type
00216  */
00217 static const char *babel16filetypenames[] = {
00218   "Alchemy",          "AMBERPREP",       "BallStick",      
00219   "MSIBGF",           "BiosymCAR",       "Boogie",
00220   "Cacao",            "CADPAC",          "CHARMm",
00221   "Chem3d-1",         "Chem3d-2",        "CSSR",
00222   "FDAT",             "GSTAT",           "Dock",
00223   "DockPDB",          "Feature",         "Fractional",    
00224   "GAMESSoutput",     "GaussianZmatrix", "Gaussian92output", 
00225   "Gaussian94output", "Gromos96A",       "Gromos96N",
00226   "HyperchemHIN",     "IsisSDF",         "M3D",
00227   "MacMolecule",      "Macromodel",      "MicroWorld",
00228   "MM2Input",         "MM2Output",       "MM3",
00229   "MMADS",            "MDLMOL",          "MOLIN",
00230   "MopacCartesian",   "MopacInternal",   "MopacOutput",
00231   "PCModel",          "PSGVBin",         "PSGVBout",
00232   "QuantaMSF",        "Schakal",         "ShelX",
00233   "SMILES",
00234   "Spartan",          "SpartanSE",       "SpartanMM",
00235   "SybylMol",         "SybylMol2",       "Conjure",
00236   "UniChemXYZ",       "XYZ",             "XED", 
00237   0
00238 };
00241 /*
00242  * Open Babel 1.100.2 internal file type names
00243  */
00244 static const char *openbabel11filetypes[] = {
00245 "alc",
00246 "prep",
00247 "bs",
00248 "caccrt",
00249 "ccc",
00250 "c3d1",
00251 "c3d2",
00252 "cml",
00253 "crk2d",
00254 "crk3d",
00255 "box",
00256 "dmol",
00257 "feat",
00258 "gam",
00259 "gpr",
00260 "mm1gp",
00261 "qm1gp",
00262 "hin",
00263 "jout",
00264 "bin",
00265 "mmd",
00266 "car",
00267 "sdf",
00268 "mol",
00269 "mopcrt",
00270 "mopout",
00271 "mmads",
00272 "mpqc",
00273 "bgf",
00274 "nwo",
00275 "pqs",
00276 "qcout",
00277 "res",
00278 "smi",
00279 "mol2",
00280 "unixyz",
00281 "vmol",
00282 "xyz",
00283 0
00284 };
00286 /*
00287  * Plugin names registered in VMD for each Open Babel 1.100.2 file type
00288  */
00289 static const char *openbabel11filetypenames[] = {
00290   "Alchemy",          "AMBERPREP",       "BallStick",      
00291   "Cacao",            "CCC",           
00292   "Chem3d-1",         "Chem3d-2",        "ChemicalMarkup"
00293   "CRK2D",            "CRK3D",           "Dock35Box",
00294   "Dmol3Coord",       "Feature",         "GAMESSoutput",     
00295   "GhemicalProj",     "GhemicalMM",      "GhemicalQM",
00296   "HyperchemHIN",     "JaguarOutput",    "OpenEyeBinary",
00297   "Macromodel",       "BiosymCAR",       "IsisSDF",
00298   "MDLMOL",           "MopacCartesian",  "MopacOutput",     
00299   "MMADS",            "MPQC",            "MSIBGF",  
00300   "NWChemOutput",     "PQS",             "QChemOutput",
00301   "ShelX",            "SMILES",          "SybylMol2",   
00302   "UniChemXYZ",       "ViewMol",         "XYZ",
00303   0
00304 };
00307 static const char *babel16type_from_name(const char *name) {
00308   const char **ptr = babel16filetypenames;
00309   int i=0; 
00310   while (*ptr) {
00311     if (!strcmp(*ptr, name))
00312       return babel16filetypes[i];
00313     ptr++;
00314     i++;
00315   }
00316   return NULL;
00317 }
00319 static const char *openbabel11type_from_name(const char *name) {
00320   const char **ptr = openbabel11filetypenames;
00321   int i=0; 
00322   while (*ptr) {
00323     if (!strcmp(*ptr, name))
00324       return openbabel11filetypes[i];
00325     ptr++;
00326     i++;
00327   }
00328   return NULL;
00329 }
00332 /* 
00333  * Figure out the file type, call babel, and return a handle if successful.
00334  * From this point we're just reading in a pdb file.
00335  */
00336 static void *open_babel_read(const char *filename, const char *filetypename,
00337     int *natoms) {
00339   const char *babelbin;
00340   char *current_file;
00341   pdbdata *pdb;
00342   char *s;
00343   const char *fmt;
00344   int count = 0;
00345   VMDDIR *dirp;
00346   char *dp;
00347   char temps[100];
00348   char tempc;
00349   char lastc;
00350   int may_have_multi = 0;
00351   char *tmp_multi = NULL;
00352   const char *filetype;
00354   babelbin = getenv("VMDBABELBIN");
00355   if (!babelbin) {
00356     fprintf(stderr, "Babel plugin needs VMDBABELBIN environment variable\n"
00357                     "to point to location of Babel executable\n");
00358     return NULL;
00359   }
00361 #if 0
00362   /* Try Open Babel file type names first... */ 
00363   filetype = openbabel11type_from_name(filetypename);
00364   if (!filetype) {
00365     fprintf(stderr, "No Open Babel 1.100.2 file type for '%s'\n", filetypename);
00366   }
00367 #endif
00369   /* Try Babel 1.6 file type names if Open Babel didn't match */ 
00370   filetype = babel16type_from_name(filetypename);
00371   if (!filetype) {
00372     fprintf(stderr, "No Babel 1.6 file type for '%s'\n", filetypename);
00373     return NULL;
00374   }
00375   s = (char *)malloc(strlen(babelbin) +               
00376               strlen(" -i       -opdb ") +
00377               strlen(filename) +
00378               strlen(file(filename, 0, 1)) +
00379               20);
00381   /*
00382   // On windows its necessary to quote command names due to
00383   // the high tendency for paths to have spaces in them.
00384   */
00385   sprintf(s, "\"%s\" -i%s \"%s\" all -opdb \"%s\"",
00386      babelbin, filetype, filename, (const char *)file(filename, 0, 0));
00388   delete_all(filename);       /* delete any conflicting existing files  */
00389   system(s);                  /* run the babel command                  */
00390   free(s);
00392   /* now find how many frames were printed */
00393   fmt = file(filename, 0, -2);
00394   dirp = vmd_opendir(BABEL_TMPDIR);
00395   if (dirp == NULL) {
00396     return NULL; /* failure */
00397   }
00399    lastc = *(filename + strlen(filename) -1);
00401    while ((dp = vmd_readdir(dirp)) != NULL) {
00402       if (sscanf(dp, fmt, temps, &tempc) > 1 && lastc == tempc) {
00403      count++;
00404      /* check if there is 1 element but Babel thinks there are several */
00405      if (count == 1) {
00406         if (strstr(dp, "0001.")) {
00407            may_have_multi = 1;
00408            tmp_multi = strdup(dp);
00409         }
00410      }
00411       }
00412    }
00413    vmd_closedir(dirp);
00415    if (may_have_multi && count == 1) {
00416       /* then move the test0001.extension file to test.extension */
00417       char *s2, *t2;
00418       s2 = (char *)malloc(2*(strlen(tmp_multi)+strlen(BABEL_TMPDIR))+40);
00420 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00421       sprintf(s2, "move \"%s\\%s\" \"%s\\\"", BABEL_TMPDIR, tmp_multi, BABEL_TMPDIR);
00422 #else
00423       sprintf(s2, "mv \"%s/%s\" \"%s/\"", BABEL_TMPDIR, tmp_multi, BABEL_TMPDIR);
00424 #endif
00426       t2 = strstr(tmp_multi, "0001.");
00427       *t2 = 0;
00428       strcat(s2, tmp_multi);
00429       strcat(s2, t2 + 4);
00430       fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s2);
00431       system(s2);
00432       free(s2);
00433    }
00435    if (tmp_multi) {
00436       free(tmp_multi);
00437    }
00439   /*
00440    * Ok, now that we're done with all that crap, we should have a bunch
00441    * of temp files.  Now we need to open the first one to get the
00442    * number of atoms.
00443    */
00444   if (count == 0) {
00445     fprintf(stderr, "Babel molecule file translation failed!\n");
00446     return NULL;
00447   }
00448   current_file = file(filename, 0, count > 1);
00449   pdb = open_pdb_read(current_file, natoms);
00450   if (!pdb) {
00451     fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read structure from Babel pdb output\n");
00452     free(current_file);
00453     return NULL;
00454   }
00455   pdb->original_file = strdup(filename); 
00456   pdb->current_file = current_file;
00457   pdb->babel_num = count;
00458   pdb->babel_i = 1;
00459   return pdb;
00460 }
00462 static int read_pdb_structure(void *mydata, int *optflags, 
00463     molfile_atom_t *atoms) {
00464   pdbdata *pdb = (pdbdata *)mydata;
00465   molfile_atom_t *atom;
00466   char pdbrec[PDB_BUFFER_LENGTH];
00467   int i, rectype, atomserial, pteidx;
00468   char ridstr[8];
00469   char elementsymbol[3];
00470   int badptecount = 0;
00471   long fpos = ftell(pdb->fd);
00476   i = 0;
00477   do {
00478     rectype = read_pdb_record(pdb->fd, pdbrec);
00479     switch (rectype) {
00480     case PDB_ATOM:
00481       atom = atoms+i;
00482       get_pdb_fields(pdbrec, strlen(pdbrec), &atomserial,
00483           atom->name, atom->resname, atom->chain, atom->segid, 
00484           ridstr, atom->insertion, atom->altloc, elementsymbol,
00485           NULL, NULL, NULL, &atom->occupancy, &atom->bfactor);
00486       atom->resid = atoi(ridstr);
00488       /* determine atomic number from the element symbol */
00489       pteidx = get_pte_idx_from_string(elementsymbol);
00490       atom->atomicnumber = pteidx;
00491       if (pteidx != 0) {
00492         atom->mass = get_pte_mass(pteidx);
00493         atom->radius = get_pte_vdw_radius(pteidx);
00494       } else {
00495         badptecount++; /* unrecognized element */
00496       }
00497       strcpy(atom->type, atom->name);
00498       i++;
00499       break;
00500     default:
00501       break;
00502     }
00503   } while (rectype != PDB_END && rectype != PDB_EOF);
00505   fseek(pdb->fd, fpos, SEEK_SET);
00507   /* if all atoms are recognized, set the mass and radius flags too,  */
00508   /* otherwise let VMD guess these for itself using it's own methods  */
00509   if (badptecount == 0) {
00510     *optflags |= MOLFILE_MASS | MOLFILE_RADIUS;
00511   }
00513   return MOLFILE_SUCCESS;
00514 }
00516 static int read_next_timestep(void *v, int natoms, molfile_timestep_t *ts) {
00517   pdbdata *pdb = (pdbdata *)v;
00518   char pdbstr[PDB_BUFFER_LENGTH];
00519   int indx, i;
00520   float *x, *y, *z;
00521   float occup[1], beta[1];
00522   if (ts) {
00523     x = ts->coords;
00524     y = x+1;
00525     z = x+2;
00526   } else {
00527     x = y = z = 0;
00528   }
00529   i = 0;
00530   if (!pdb->fd) 
00531     return MOLFILE_ERROR;
00533   /* Read the rest of the frames in the current fd.  If there aren't any
00534    * more close it and go on to the next one.  If there aren't any more frames,
00535    * return MOLFILE_ERROR (-1);
00536    */
00538   while (i < pdb->natoms) {
00539     indx = read_pdb_record(pdb->fd, pdbstr);
00540     if(indx == PDB_ATOM) {
00541       /* just get the coordinates, and store them */
00542       if (ts) {
00543         get_pdb_coordinates(pdbstr, x, y, z, occup, beta);
00544         x += 3;
00545         y += 3;
00546         z += 3;
00547         i++;
00548       }
00549     } else if (indx == PDB_CRYST1) {
00550       if (ts) {
00551         get_pdb_cryst1(pdbstr, &ts->alpha, &ts->beta, &ts->gamma,
00552                                &ts->A, &ts->B, &ts->C);
00553       }
00554     } else if (indx == PDB_EOF) {
00555       if (i == 0) {
00556         /* Need to start a new frame, if possible */
00557         fclose(pdb->fd);
00558         pdb->fd = 0;
00559         vmd_delete_file(pdb->current_file);
00560         free(pdb->current_file);
00561         pdb->current_file = 0;
00562         pdb->babel_i++;
00563         if (pdb->babel_i >= pdb->babel_num) 
00564           return MOLFILE_ERROR; 
00565         pdb->current_file = file(pdb->original_file, pdb->babel_i, pdb->babel_num > 1); 
00566         pdb->fd = fopen(pdb->current_file, "r");
00567         if (!pdb->fd) {
00568           fprintf(stderr, 
00569             "Couldn't read babel output file %s\n", pdb->current_file); 
00570           free(pdb->current_file);
00571           pdb->current_file = 0;
00572           return MOLFILE_ERROR; 
00573         } 
00574       } else {
00575         /* premature end */
00576         fprintf(stderr, "PDB file %s contained too few atoms\n", pdb->current_file);
00577         return MOLFILE_ERROR;
00578       }
00579     }
00580   }
00582   return MOLFILE_SUCCESS; 
00583 }
00585 /* 
00586  * Free the pdb handle, and delete all the babel temp files.
00587  */
00588 static void close_pdb_read(void *v) {
00589   pdbdata *pdb = (pdbdata *)v;
00590   if (!pdb) return;
00591   if (pdb->fd) {
00592     fclose(pdb->fd);
00593     pdb->fd = 0;
00594     vmd_delete_file(pdb->current_file);
00595     free(pdb->current_file);
00596   }
00597   free(pdb);
00598 }
00602 /*
00603  * Initialization stuff down here
00604  */
00606 static molfile_plugin_t *plugins;
00607 static int nplugins;
00609 VMDPLUGIN_API int VMDPLUGIN_init() {
00610 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00611   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
00612 #else
00613   /* register all Babel 1.6 conversion options */
00614   const char **s = babel16filetypenames;
00615   int i;
00616   nplugins = 0;
00617   while (*s) { nplugins++; s++; }
00618   plugins = (molfile_plugin_t*)calloc(nplugins, sizeof(molfile_plugin_t));
00619   for (i=0; i<nplugins; i++) {
00620     plugins[i].abiversion = vmdplugin_ABIVERSION;         /* ABI version */
00621     plugins[i].type = MOLFILE_CONVERTER_PLUGIN_TYPE;      /* type of plugin */
00622     plugins[i].name = babel16filetypenames[i];            /* name of plugin */
00623     plugins[i].prettyname = babel16filetypenames[i];      /* name of plugin */
00624     plugins[i].author = "Justin Gullingsrud, John Stone"; /* author */
00625     plugins[i].majorv = 1;                                /* major version */
00626     plugins[i].minorv = 13;                               /* minor version */
00627     plugins[i].is_reentrant = VMDPLUGIN_THREADUNSAFE;     /* is not reentrant */
00628     plugins[i].filename_extension = babel16filetypes[i];  /* file extension */
00629     plugins[i].open_file_read = open_babel_read;
00630     plugins[i].read_structure = read_pdb_structure;
00631     plugins[i].read_next_timestep = read_next_timestep;
00632     plugins[i].close_file_read = close_pdb_read;
00633   }
00635 #if 0
00636   /* register all Open Babel 1.100.2 conversion options */
00637   const char **s = openbabel11filetypenames;
00638   int i;
00639   nplugins = 0;
00640   while (*s) { nplugins++; s++; }
00641   plugins = (molfile_plugin_t*)calloc(nplugins, sizeof(molfile_plugin_t));
00642   for (i=0; i<nplugins; i++) {
00643     plugins[i].abiversion = vmdplugin_ABIVERSION;         /* ABI version */
00644     plugins[i].type = MOLFILE_CONVERTER_PLUGIN_TYPE;      /* type of plugin */
00645     plugins[i].shortname = openbabel11filetypenames[i];   /* name of plugin */
00646     plugins[i].prettyname = openbabel11filetypenames[i];  /* name of plugin */
00647     plugins[i].author = "Justin Gullingsrud, John Stone"; /* author */
00648     plugins[i].majorv = 2;                                /* major version */
00649     plugins[i].minorv = 12;                               /* minor version */
00650     plugins[i].is_reentrant = VMDPLUGIN_THREADUNSAFE;     /* is not reentrant */
00651     plugins[i].filename_extension = openbabel11filetypes[i];  /* file extension */
00652     plugins[i].open_file_read = open_babel_read;
00653     plugins[i].read_structure = read_pdb_structure;
00654     plugins[i].read_next_timestep = read_next_timestep;
00655     plugins[i].close_file_read = close_pdb_read;
00656   }
00657 #endif
00659   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
00660 #endif
00661 }
00663 VMDPLUGIN_API int VMDPLUGIN_register(void *v, vmdplugin_register_cb cb) {
00664 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00665   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
00666 #else
00667   int i;
00668   for (i=0; i<nplugins; i++) {
00669     (*cb)(v, (vmdplugin_t *)(plugins+i));
00670   }
00671   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
00672 #endif
00673 }
00675 VMDPLUGIN_API int VMDPLUGIN_fini() {
00676 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00677   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
00678 #else
00679   free(plugins);
00680   nplugins = 0;
00681   plugins = 0;
00682   return VMDPLUGIN_SUCCESS;
00683 #endif
00684 }
00687 #ifdef TEST_BABEL_PLUGIN
00689 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
00690   molfile_header_t header;
00691   molfile_timestep_t timestep;
00692   void *v;
00694   while (--argc) {
00695     ++argv;
00696     v = open_babel_read(*argv, "xyz", &header);
00697     if (!v) {
00698       fprintf(stderr, "open_babel_read failed for file %s\n", *argv);
00699       return 1;
00700     }
00701     timestep.coords = (float *)malloc(3*sizeof(float)*header.numatoms);
00702     while (!read_next_timestep(v, &timestep));
00703     close_pdb_read(v);
00704   }
00705   return 0;
00706 }
00709 #endif

Generated on Fri Feb 7 03:07:00 2025 for VMD Plugins (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002