VMD-L Mailing List
From: Warren DeLano (warren_at_delsci.com)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2006 - 11:54:16 CST
- Next message: Dan White: "stereo on MacG5"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: labels"
- Next in thread: Warren DeLano: "RE: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, Chimera UCSF etc."
- Maybe reply: Warren DeLano: "RE: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, Chimera UCSF etc."
- Maybe reply: Kim, Kwiseon: "RE: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, Chimera UCSF etc."
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The situation with Chimera, PyMOL, etc. is the same as with VMD...
Unless you have the nVidia FX 4500 card on a newish PowerMac, you are limited to full-screen/blue-line stereo 3D.
I am very much hoping that Apple will offer some lower-end stereo-3D-in-a-window options once they transition their entire system lineup over to Intel.
-- Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D. Principal Scientist . DeLano Scientific LLC . 400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 213 . South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA . Biz:(650)-872-0942 Tech:(650)-872-0834 . Fax:(650)-872-0273 Cell:(650)-346-1154 . mailto:warren_at_delsci.com > -----Original Message----- > From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu > [mailto:owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu] On Behalf Of Peter Engelhardt > Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:14 PM > To: vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu > Subject: vmd-l: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, > Chimera UCSF etc. > > Hi all 3D experts, > > It has been announced that MacOS X is now able to show 3D > presentations like the good old SGI has been performing > elegantly for years. > > We have recently got the hardware equipment: > "CrystallEyes" emitter, high frequence and CRT monitor etc > parts for our MacG5 (single processor, no additional graphics > cards installed yet). > > NOTE: We experienced a positive test using Nanosaurus 2 (demo > version, able to show the presentations in 3D, with > "CrystallEyes") that worked perfectly with stunning scenarios. > > Further, we have noticed that the emitter does not seem to > give any response with other softwares that we have tested so far. > > Now, we would be very happy to know what is wrong and how to > get the 3D stereo working in e.g. VMD using our MacG5 and if > there is someone who can tell us, as well, how to get the > same 3D working e.g. in Chimera UCSF, and in many other > visualizing softwares in use,. > > We have experienced the same analogous troubles with has been > reported earlier using Linux: > > At 12:32 +0100 07.01.2003, Karsten Suhre wrote: > >However, when I try to switch to "CrystallEyes" in the Display > >pull-Down menu, I only obtain two separate pictures of my > molecule (one > >above the other, as without a stereo board). > > > >Am I missing something (e.g. setting some environment variable)??? > > We are most interested to know also if the 3D stereo problems > has been solved for VMD (and for other softwares) using Linux. > > Many thanks in advance > > Cheers > Peter > -- > ___________________________________________________________ > Peter Engelhardt, PhD, docent > Assistant Professor in Molecular Genetics Unit of Molecular > Electron Tomography Department of Pathology and Virology > Haartman Institute P.O.Box 21, FI-00014 Univ. of Helsinki, > Finland Visiting Address: Haartmaninkatu 3, Helsinki Office > Tel: (+358-9)-19126431 (direct) > Laboratory Tel: (+358-9)-19126442 > EM facilities, Tel: (+358-9)-19126885 > Digilab: (+358-9)-19126886 > Fax: (+358-9)-19126700 > FI-00014 Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland > > LCE, Laboratory of Computational Engineering, Research Center > for Computational Science and Engineering Helsinki University > of Technology (TKK), P.O.Box 9203, FI-02015 TKK, FINLAND > Visiting Address: Innopolis 2, Tekniikantie 14, Espoo Office > Tel: (+358-9)-4514843 (direct) > > Home address: > Lindstedstvägen 1 B 7 > FI-02700 Grankulla, > Finland > Tel: (+358-9)-5091381 > > Mobil Phone: +358-(0)41 561 0171 > Email: Peter.Engelhardt_at_Helsinki.Fi > URL: http://www.lce.hut.fi/~engelhar/ > > > > > >
- Next message: Dan White: "stereo on MacG5"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: labels"
- Next in thread: Warren DeLano: "RE: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, Chimera UCSF etc."
- Maybe reply: Warren DeLano: "RE: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, Chimera UCSF etc."
- Maybe reply: Kim, Kwiseon: "RE: Stereo on MacG5 (single processor) for VMD, Chimera UCSF etc."
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